Subject: Are you gonna make a move or nah?

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

Are you gonna make a move or nah?


It is a question (most) women are secretly asking YOU that they will NEVER say out loud!

Just today I was sitting at a coffee shop getting work done on my laptop.

Homeboy sitting next to me looks me up and down (somewhat-discreetly... NOT! 😂😂) at least a dozen times.

I even addressed him directly at one point and asked him if he would mind if we moved the bench closer to the table that we were both sitting at.

..but he just continued side-eyeing me.

Meanwhile, I'm over here flipping my hair and looking directly at him.

Like I said, "are you gonna make a move or nah?"

Now, I can already hear some folks go... "yeah, but Katya why didn't you make a move?!"


Because I'm awkward, too! That's why!

I have moments.

I can be shy.

Believe it or not! It's true! I can be awkward and bashful just like you, dude!

...and [Spoiler Alert]


(if you can hold onto this nugget, your perception of women and your world will transform)

Now, let's talk about scenario numero deux...

I took a solo trip this weekend to clear my mind and hike Mt. Baldy... It was epic.

It was a bday gift to myself. I've been hiking that mountain since I was 12 years old with my Papa.

So, now that I'm a big girl I decided to try it alone. 4K elevation gain in 3 hours. ✊💪 #birthdaybuff

Anyway, I digress.

I get to the top of the mountain, eat my lunch and chillin' when a homeboy approaches me and says hey! 🤠

I say hey!

We chat about the different routes we took to the top and which way we're going back down, and what parts of town we both live in, and what we do for work. Really basic stuff folks!

He gives me shit for taking the ski lift down... I don't care it's my birthday! #warrrioritup #princessmywaydown


So, are you single?

Me: Yeah! lol

Him: Yeah, me too!

Me: Duh! 🧐

Him: So can I have your number?

Me: Yeah!


...and now we're going on a date and stuff.

What a relief. What a wonderful treat.

And that's how it goes folks!

Easy breezy beautiful...

So the moral of the story is...

An open, warm and fuzzy invitation!

Calling all men!

Make it easy for us! (and for you)

Make it less awkward for us!

...and while you don't HAVE to!

You'll get better results if you do!

Women will thank you!


P.S. I also felt super flattered that home dude asked me out even though my face was covered in a layer of white af sunscreen (unbeknownst to me... it was the first time I'd used it).

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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