Subject: A shout out to my amazing clients

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I am thankful that I get to do what I love and for the people who I get to work with.

Here are a few of the moments I am thankful for...

Most of my work with clients is by phone and I’ve had clients all the way from Malaysia to Romania to Hawaii. I love the diversity of the people I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

One of my clients I had the pleasure of meeting in person 3 times, once for a workshop in Austin and twice for lunch in LA. He lives in Portland and makes hummus, unique hummus and he’s writing a hummus cookbook… and every time I see him he brings me hummus… and it’s always personalized… he’s brought me Russian beet hummus, California hummus, Texas BBQ hummus. I freakin’ love this human! Thank you for being my friend. You know who you are.

I have a client who literally comments on and writes to me about everything that I have ever written, program I’ve launched, or video I’ve made! He’s come to the same workshop I’ve hosted multiple times just to show his support. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader!

I have a client who I laugh with through our coaching sessions. We giggle like school children while doing the work. Thank you for your collaboration in creating levity during tough conversations.

One of my peeps never fights me on anything he just listens follows instructions, asks questions and gets it! He’s still wrapping his head around the amount of progress he’s made. You fucking rock! I love it when people just trust and roll with it!

I have a client who calls me, whenever, and tells me about his wins. Most people don’t take that liberty and I find it to be very cool cool when people can’t wait to tell me what’s working and how happy they are!

On a second call with a new client he insisted that he didn’t need any coaching on this call and spent his hour telling me about his big win and thanking me for playing a big part in it!

A former client who is now my friend... We had such a fluid working relationship and would shoot the shit beyond our work. She would ask about my life and get really curious. She would let me know if she saw me playing small. She continues to be my muse. I love you.

This is just a fraction of the many humans who have touched my life in small and big ways and I feel so very fortunate to have been granted the trust to mold, guide and touch their lives.

I feel fortunate to work with people who are not only committed to their own growth, they’re also committed to collaboration.

I fucking love my people! Thank you for your love, your contribution to me!

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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