Subject: 3 Tips For Dating After Divorce

Hey Friend,

Many of my clients have gone through divorce and have experienced that weird post divorce stage where they're ready to date but they don't know how.

There's also the hit to the ego that most folks experience post split

The uncharted territory of dating with children(if ya got them)

Learning how to navigate the new unspoken "dating norms" of the modern dating world that there's no guidebook for

Also, hey how about we're in a pandemic... so how the heck are you supposed to date during one of those?

It's a lot for a person to figure out on their own...

Here are my top 3 tips for navigating this life transition...

✅ Tip #1. You're not damaged goods. (This is a big one.)

Here's a quick hit of truth serum... as long as you're convinced that you're damaged goods you'll look for evidence of that.

...And while you're busy looking for that evidence you'll miss out on the ladies that actually want to date you and think you're the bees knees.

For many divorce is crushing to their identity. Often, folks think of themselves as a failure because they got divorced.

That's simply not true, the men I work with have so much going for them and even more so at this stage in their life.

Once we get their confidence level up... they embrace their unique attributes and they notice that the women they are dating appreciate that about them too!

✅ Tip #2 Know what you want!

If you're charting new territory ya got set the destination so you don't get lost or get eaten by wildcats(unless, of course you're into that kind thing).

Get really clear what you're looking for so you have purpose and direction.

Bonus: There's nothing sexier to women than a man who knows what he wants.

✅ Tip #3 Learn the territory!

If you're gonna navigate it successfully and actually get where you want to go it would be wise to have the right tools like a compass, a map, and the right gear.

Right, now a great territory to understand for attracting women is the online dating space because they're all at home.

What you need to be successful online is three things! You need to have an attractive profile, a curated photo selection, and you need to know how to message women online(which is unique from talking to them at a party or at the bar). 

And there's really no better time to jumpstart your dating life than right now! 

Here are a few of the dating sites that my clients are most successful on: Bumble, Hinge, Tinder, Match, OkCupid, and Coffee Meet Bagel. 

Do you have specific questions on how to date online during quarantine? Hit reply to this email and I will answer select questions in the coming days. 

I hope you found this email helpful! 

with gratitude, 
P.S. Having a hard time regaining your confidence post divorce? Feel like the wind has been knocked out of you but you're really committed to re-inventing yourself? 

You could be a great candidate for 1on1 coaching. Helping men reinvent themselves and create a great new life with an amazing new woman is my specialty. 

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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