Subject: a second chance

“A miracle is just a shift in perception from fear to love” -A Course in Miracles

One of my clients recently went on a date that went really well.

It was one of those 4 hour dates that both people don’t want to walk away from.

They were eager to see each other, again, and started making plans.

Along the way, a miscommunication happened that would lead them down a very different road.

A road where she would misinterpret his intentions and write him off.

...and the second date would never happen.

These types of things are very common.

The miracle is this….

My client and I decided to confer about what “really happened”

We perspectives a bit and see how and why she might’ve reacted that way.

He, with humility and non-reactiveness, looked at his own actions and take responsibility for how his communications might have landed.

I suggested he write her a letter.

Not so much for her… but for his own sense of completion.

Worst thing that could happen is she never write him back, right?

He took it on, taking full responsibility for his actions, while clarifying his intentions and his truth.

He sent it never expecting a response.

Here is the miracle….

2 weeks later she responded.

After doing her own critical thinking and conversing with someone who, I can only imagine is very wise, in her life.

She took ownership for her part and apologized for pigeonholing him.

And guess what…

They’re giving it another go!

I don't know where things will go from here...

But what I do know is that this is firm ground to stand on.

Personal responsibility.

Open communication.


How freakin’ cool is that!

This is in my book is a miracle.

This is the power of having people in your life that push you to think beyond your initial reactions and projections.

This is the power of humility and self awareness.

...and having a deep commitment to see the good in people.

with gratitude,


PS If you'd like some miracles in your dating life.... like having more high-quality dates with beautiful women who totally rock your world.... 

Fill out this application and let's see if you're a good fit for an attraction assessment session with me.

Where I will tell you the step-by-step process for how you can get the results you want in love and intimacy. 

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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