Subject: I'd rather be alone

“If it’s a choice of another toxic relationship…. Or being alone! I’d rather be alone.”

These were the words that came out of my clients mouth during our consultation.

He had a chronic pattern of getting into relationships that would, like clockwork, implode at the very end!

Things would get really nasty.

It would end in him blocking her number or vice versa.

He couldn’t understand why it would get so dramatic…

And he couldn’t understand how someone he loved so much and claimed to love him could then turn on him so easily!

During the relationship…

His work would suffer.

He didn’t feel supported.

He felt like he not only had to provide…

But he also had to be the emotional rock in the relationship.

It felt like a lot of pressure.

...And the crazy part is that he still felt insecure in the relationship(which was maybe why it took him so long to wake up and let go).

He didn’t get it!

He was successful, came from a good family, had really put some effort into personal development….

So why couldn’t he attract a woman that was seemingly a match for the great place he was in his life?

And why did he keep attracting these relationships that kept him in this cycle of drama, these relationships that he would have to “recover from” and would make him question if he would ever find an ideal match!

This was the dilemma my client presented. One that I’ve seen countless times.

...and surprisingly it's one that is super common with successful, men who have a good head on their shoulders.

It’s a pattern of attraction!

People often attract what they’re used to!

Both good and bad qualities.

There’s a certain level of comfort that comes with the recognition of the familiar.

...And it takes effort to break that pattern.

Relationship patterns get “logged” in our nervous systems.

These patterns stick around until we’re truly ready to break them!

It takes self awareness to break the pattern.

It takes courage to let go of the comfortable.

It takes owning your worth as a man and a partner.

It takes being responsible for what you want and going after it and not settling for “what you think you can get”

The men I work with are intelligent…. 

Intellectually they can clearly see some of this stuff.

But when it comes to “changing” it they’re at a loss!

They often don’t know where to meet the high-quality women they want.

They don’t know what to look for when evaluating a potential partner to see if they’re going to be a good match.

They know that they need to avoid “red flags” but often can’t see them(and especially when blinded by attraction)

...And often they won’t admit this, but when they do meet high-quality women they tend to get really nervous and sabotage the connection before it even starts!

These are the exact problems I focus on addressing and solving in my attraction assessment session…. (and in my work with smart, successful men who are ready to attract the right partner)

And for the next week or so during this holiday season I’m giving away a few 30 minute attraction assessment sessions as my gift to you.

Here’s what you can expect to learn…

Where to meet high-quality women both on and offline.

How to screen for a high-quality partner and what attributes to look for that will be a match to your personality

How to identify red-flags and avoid wasting time in the wrong relationship

How to be confident and centered with the women who count and show your value as a partner!

The session will be conducted by phone and it is complimentary… the only thing you need to do is qualify for it!

I simply can’t talk everyone… So, I’ll be taking on 10 people max.

All you have to do is answer a couple of short questions and hit submit and I will be selecting the 10 people in the next couple of days.

>> You can apply for your session here <<

I look forward to connecting with you!

With gratitude,


Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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