Subject: ART/ATT Update November 29, 2018

Advanced Robotics Tech (ART)


General Update

Wow! Time flies as we now head into the Christmas Season the holiday quietude in the markets. 

Be sure to read this to the end to learn about your RAISE IN PAY! :)

There have been some major adjustments made in the methodologies employed in that they are now designed to further increase the return on investment while actually reducing the risk even more. 

It is also designed to reduce those 'doldrum times' as we have seen in the past and during the holidays. 

In fact, given the issues with the bank, trading is new very steady. Without these adjustments, we might be in those 'doldrums' right now. But, we are not and trading is solid, consistent, and profitable, albeit modestly profitable, until ALICE naturally ramps things up and increases the lot sizes again. 


We have not heard back from the bank regarding the losses incurred by the bank. We are not sure we ever will. 

However, we are cautiously optimistic that at some point in the process of their review they will recognize their fault and simply return the funds we are due. If that happens this will be a blessing. 

We cannot estimate the timing of them returning the funds but reasonably expect that is should happen in time. 

We have provided detailed PROOF of their error due to gross negligence and hopefully get these accounts will be restored. So, all we can do is wait that out for the moment unless we get the signal to take specific actions.


AMFX 2.0 modifications are on hold and all four pools are trading using similar parameters. Modest gains (by our standards) are being made each month. 

Even without a full refund from the bank we expect all AMFX accounts to be in the black some time in 2019. 

I don't have a number to report right now on the eight pools balance. However, we are either slightly up or slightly down after the leverage issue. These accounts are turning out to be valuable for us as we pursue our Plan B option to get more control over our fees. 

In the coming months we hope to have these accounts out from under their present restrictions. But, for now, our main focus is on Plan B which will solve all our problems in one go and set us on a FAST track to achieve our original business plan projections. 

Thanks to the bank error a huge door opened for us that will change everything, if and when completed. So far so good. 

Carlos is fully engaged in getting the job done and once we have it in the bag you will learn more about it. 

Suffice to say that it will change everything for the better once complete and should have us trading like the 'good old days' when the Charity Account BA 1.0 was up and running. 

It will not only allow BA 1.0 to kick up into action but will give the 8 pooled accounts a long needed boost to rapidly move those accounts into profit. 

We have managed to shorten a very long process due to connections we have in the industry and are behind us 100%. 

It is something we cannot give a specific time line on. But, we are aiming to get it all done ASAP of course. 

You will be the first to know when done. 

The process of bringing on our Singapore client shows how difficult it is to make predictions. They wanted to be trading in May. 

However, it took until October for all the paperwork, due diligence and wire transfers to take place to ready them for trading. 

Only just last week were they FINALLY hooked up and ready to initiate trades. So, now it is in MOTION. 

Once we have a few months of trading we are expecting new funds to flow in and Singapore is already very pleased with how we have reduced the risk even further while expecting an even better ROI than they were hoping for. 

Much of the time involved was due to the due diligence needed for a REGULATED FUND to use a system like ours. 

However, the time spent up to now is going to make further deposits go much smoother and the short term frustration will produce smoother processing down the road. 

We are talking about a considerable amount of money flowing into our management systems. So, it will all be worth it. 

We expect a long and prosperous business relationship and Singapore could be our main conduit into the world of big money in Asia and later in Europe and the rest of the world. 

EITHER Plan B or Singapore could get us to our destination. BOTH will get us there all the quicker. 

The goal is to bring MULTI-BILLIONS under our management in time. This will mean huge benefits for all Diamonds.  


Given the recent developments and direction we are going, I suggest that sometime over the next six months would be a good time to pick up an extra Diamond Membership for a family member or friend. 

We do believe each Diamond membership will be a very valuable asset for anyone who can afford one. 

Given our progress and what we are planning this could not be better timing for anyone wanting to take the risk (much lower now than when most first came in).

If you know someone who would benefit by coming in at this late stage let them know. 

This is of no benefit to us to assist buyers in and sellers to leave. We just want to help sellers move on to other endeavours. 

Once ATT is earning we may just buy out these last positions ourselves for our own families and friends. 


We would like to express our appreciation for the infinite patience everyone has shown as work hard to make this project a huge success. No one, least of all ourselves, never envisioned it would take this long to get where we are today. But, you know the history and you have stood with us in spite of all the challenges, delays, and mini disasters we have had to deal with. 

So, we have some GOOD NEWS for you. 


That means we plan to increase the revenue share from 8% to 25% for an unspecified period of time. 

After you have made at least $15,000 in revenue share we reserve the right to claw this back (most likely gradually) to the original agreement if the company needs the revenue to advance the business for all involved or bring in strategic partners. 

However, the plan is to pay out 25% (instead of 8%) for as long as we can and until you are all in a very healthy financial position. 

We felt that Diamond members deserved better compensation during this new phase we are entering into and given how patient most of you have been. 

We trust that is very welcomed news! :)


However, given the delays with the Singapore client I don't think that January 2019 will see revenue share distributions. Singapore JUST got hooked up. So, now we need to see it trading and earning. 

For the 1-3 months all our performance fees need to go to the broker to top up the BSFX float needed to maintain the white label brokerage agreement. 

As soon as that is topped up and we are ready to start paying ourselves that is when we will start doing a revenue distribution. 

It is not far off now. We are very close. 

Keep in mind we have NEVER paid ourselves a single penny in performance fees so far. Any performance fees charged have all gone to the broker float. 

When revenue share begins I expect we can do quarterly payments until it becomes significant monthly income. It is an income that will grow over time as new money comes in from Singapore and the overall balance of funds under management grows and is paying performance fees. 

This includes all our BAs, the AMFX pools, the 8 Pooled accounts, and everything that Singapore will bring to us over the coming years. 

The head of the Singapore group aims to replace a six figure income with this venture and that will require them to bring us SUBSTANTIAL volumes of capital and he wants to replace his income over the next 3-5 years, and sooner is better.

TO GET PAID, IF you have not done so already, please make sure you have set up your AMFX profile:

User: aliciabot
PW: aliciabot (password before registration)

Diamonds will likely be paid revenue share to their Bitcoin wallets in AMFX. 

So, please prepare yourself as this time is approaching. 

Those not set up will not get paid.

The Diamond Membership area is not done yet. 

However, it has now moved up the TO DO LIST with AMFX 2.0 finally completed. 

Get registered, or you don't get paid. 


Wayne Nash

Advanced Trade Tech/Advanced Robotics Tech (fastest and surest)
1-800-416-5980 (toll free)
SKYPE ID: wnash2004