Certainly with the European and Asian funds at work this year and the next we are getting closer to being able to get some revenue share going. Naturally, the company has to have revenue before we can share it.
Any performance fees we have taken for CTC trading have been applied to building back up our reserve with the broker which we depleted during our troubling times in the past.
How fast we complete building that up depends on equity flows and trading itself. But, once we are there then we can start paying ourselves, and than includes YOU.
Presently, Jack needs about another month to work out some wallet issues and sort out the mining.
Once mining (and hopefully arbitrage soon) then we will be working on a formula to begin sharing some of this with Diamond members.
It has been a long wait for Diamond members and we are very anxious to see something flowing in your direction, and the sooner the better.
Certainly, everything is working in our favour right now. Broker relations are good, capital is flowing in, albeit slowly, and trading is going well given our restrictions with fees, and so on.
The key to our success is firstly having a good LIVE track record to show that grows longer by the month.
This naturally brings the equity we need over time.
With the European and Asian flows on the verge of shifting everything for us, we are in a very positive place right now and moving forward.
We plan to be paying in Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash in the future. So, please take the time you have now to get familiar with Bitcoin and get a wallet you feel okay with. Here are two you can start with:
If you have any questions not answered in this update feel free to contact me personally.
Onwards and upwards!
PS:Unless something dramatic changes expect these updates about every 3 months.
Wayne Nash
Advanced Trade Tech/Advanced Robotics Tech
Divisions of Harrington Lloyd International Limited
eezeeforex@gmail.com (fastest and surest)
1-800-416-5980 (toll free)
SKYPE ID: wnash2004