Subject: ART/ATT Update

Advanced Robotics Tech (ART)


General Update

Things are looking up. 

Our Singapore client has finally managed to get their account set up and is about to start funding any time soon. 

It was a long process of due diligence due to the expected amount of capital likely to flow into accounts under our management. 

The territories of Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and Mauritius are under a conditional semi-exclusive agreement which will be maintained providing certain volumes of capital inflow. 

So, please make sure you have set up your AMFX profile:

User: aliciabot
PW: aliciabot (password before registration)

AMFX is being restructured and Version 2.0 is on the way. It will be much simpler to use and understand with less options to choose from. 

Keep in mind that Diamonds can participate in our BIG ALICE trading which is going quite well. 

Also, be prepared to be paid in Bitcoin once we start taking performance fees. 

Here are two wallets to consider and get comfortable with:

For Diamond sellers, it LOOKS LIKE (not done yet) we have 3 more sold and the sellers have already been notified. So, if you have not been notified and are on the seller's list, you are a little closer to being bought out. 

However, the responsibility for selling your ASSET is yours, not ours. But, we are helping when someone comes forward with a wish to buy. 


Wayne Nash

Advanced Trade Tech/Advanced Robotics Tech (fastest and surest)
1-800-416-5980 (toll free)
SKYPE ID: wnash2004