Subject: Saturn Square Uranus ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More!

Saturn Square Uranus ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More!

February 14th, 2021 at 10:41 am EDT

View online Dear Stargazers, Although the headliner is the Saturn-Uranus square, this week also sees the Sun breaking ranks from Aquarius as it moves into Pisces on February 18 and a spicy Venus-Mars square on February 19 that could heat up your love ...

New Moon in Aquarius ⭐ Weekly Aspects & More

February 7th, 2021 at 10:34 am EDT

View online Dear Stargazers, With 5 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) occupying the sign of the Water Bearer (6 once the transiting moon enters the sign), it's safe to say that Aquarius season is here. With a new moon in the sign as well ...

Tense Energy Ahead & How to Work with it ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More

January 31st, 2021 at 12:22 pm EDT

View onlineDear Stargazers, In last week's newsletter, I wrote about Mercury retrograde and inadvertently omitted the sun sign section that shows you where Mercury will be backpedaling in your solar horoscope. Mercury just stationed retrograde yester ...

A Powerful Full Moon in Leo ⭐ Mercury Rx in Aquarius ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More

January 24th, 2021 at 1:08 pm EDT

View onlineHeads up, Stargazers! With the Sun squaring Uranus on Monday, the week could start off with some type of conflict or disruption, because interruptions, impulsive actions or ego-based conflicts are common under this influence. You may prefe ...

Astrology Update from Debra Anne Clement

January 17th, 2021 at 1:04 pm EDT

View online Dear Stargazers, There aren't many planetary aspects this week, but the handful that are occurring are powerful and one in particular could prove to be quite explosive. Scroll down to read all about it.PLANETARY FORECASTJanuary 18 - 24 Al ...

New Moon in Capricorn ⭐ Uranus Urges Change ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More

January 10th, 2021 at 2:07 pm EDT

View onlineDear Stargazers, I was happy to team up with Vital Proteins® again wanted to include this in last week's newsletter but the link arrived too late. Fortunately, it's only January 10 so it's still very timely. Click here to read What Every ...

Astrology News from Debra Anne Clement

January 3rd, 2021 at 11:51 am EDT

View online Dear Stargazers, 2021 is just beginning, but you can expect to feel a distinct shift in the energy by the end of the week as three of the inner planets change signs. Scroll down to read more!PLANETARY FORECASTJanuary 4 - 9 All dates are g ...