Subject: A Dose of Good Fortune ✨Mercury in Taurus ✨Your Daily Astrological Forecast & More! 💫

Dear Stargazers,

Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate!

For those who are interested, I've removed the video and included additional details on the Unlock the Shortcut to Your Soul course page, including answers to some frequently asked questions, as well as when the offer ends. 

At the moment, there are still plenty of seats left but I don't expect that to be the case for much longer so if you want a spot, click here and grab it now!

Turning to the week ahead, Mercury finally exits the shadow and while Monday and Friday may be a bit dicey, Saturday could bring a dose of good fortune your way. There's a lot going on this week, and it's all below!

MAY 13 - 19, 2024
All dates and times are given in EDT

Monday, May 13

Although transiting Mercury is officially out of the shadow today, the potential for a sudden or unexpected event is high in light of today's Sun-Uranus conjunction, but whether you experience it as an unwanted disruption or a welcome breath of fresh air will depend upon your individual circumstances.

On a different note, people are likely to be more prideful under the transiting Leo Moon. If you find yourself at odds with someone, the ego-driven (Sun-Uranus) energy in Taurus (stubborn) suggests there won't be any winners, because neither one of you will be likely to concede your point.

Fortunately, the coinciding Venus-Saturn sextile is a stable influence that can help bring things down a notch. Although it's not the strongest influence, you can still count on it to help soothe ruffled feathers and help get relationships back on track.

On a different note, this is a good time to discuss your romantic expectations. The easy energy of this transit promises an agreeable environment where both people will want to please each other and are willing to make compromises. If a new relationship begins under this transit, this influence suggests that it could go the distance.

Since Venus also rules money, this aspect also favors business relationships and can inspire sound financial judgment.

Tuesday, May 14

Your thoughts are likely to be focused on what you want in life, especially the things that bring you joy, ignite your passion and make you feel alive.

Rather than just wonder if and when you'll ever have them, tap into the willful energy of the transiting Leo Moon, resolve to make it happen. Even if it seems way off in the future, that day will eventually come so make a plan, get started and help it happen sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, May 15

Although a series of challenging lunar energies in the morning could hinder your progress this morning, do the best you can to finalize plans, make decisions and attend to matters that require a definite result before the Moon goes void.

Once the transiting Moon goes void at 12:43 PM, it's time to switch gears and turn your attention to routine tasks and matters that don't require a definite outcome.

At 1:06 PM, transiting Mercury enters Taurus (details below), and 5:43 PM, the transiting Moon enters Virgo. If you're not satisfied with what you accomplished today, this lunar influence could inspire you to work overtime.

Thursday, May 16

Today's transiting Virgo Moon doesn't make a single aspect to any other planet, which means you have pure Virgo energy at your disposal, and if used wisely, its influence can help you be more productive.

Since the Maiden is the undisputed efficiency expert of the zodiac, this lunar energy is an excellent one for reorganizing your home or office, cleaning out closets and clearing away clutter. On a related note, if your work involves research, writing or technical information, the detail-oriented nature of this energy can help sharpen your focus.

That said, there are a few potential drawbacks of this energy, such as perfectionism, getting caught up in the minutiae and working through lunch/breaks. However as long as you don't fall prey to such behaviors, you should end this day on a happy and fruitful note.

Friday, May 17

Today's Mercury-Pluto square suggests that you're not only likely to have strong ideas or opinions today, you're also more likely to voice them. This is fine as long as you don't try to force them on other people, because if you, you can expect them to push back.

Under this influence, it is easier than usual to provoke an argument, and you also should take care when you're driving because this energy is also known to coincide with road rage.

While obsessive thinking is another possibility, if you use it for a useful purpose, such as doing research, solving a problem or even self-analysis, then this energy can be very productive.

Saturday, May 18

After a brief void (5:10 AM - 6:24 AM), the transiting Moon moves into sociable, relationship-focused Libra and creates a lovely energetic backdrop for today's sparkling energy.

With Venus conjunct Uranus and the Sun conjunct Jupiter, there's a sense of excitement and optimism in the air, and thanks to a series of positive lunar influences throughout the day, you're not likely to be disappointed!

Whenever Venus (love) and Uranus (instability) team up this way, the greatest love affair can begin and end in a single day. However, since it takes place in Taurus (endurance) the odds are good that it will go the distance, but even if it turns out to just be fun while it lasts, you can expect to part ways without any hard feelings.

On a different note, this influence could bring an unexpected gift or windfall or alternatively, you could decide to throw caution (or your budget) to the wind and splurge on something special.

Working hand-in-hand with the foregoing energy is the inspiring Sun-Jupiter conjunction, which not only promotes optimism and enthusiasm, but can also coincide with an opportunity for romance, travel or financial (Jupiter rules prosperity) success.

And since this conjunction also takes place in Taurus, it increases the likelihood for some type of financial abundance (cash in hand or a moneymaking idea or opportunity) .

Even if nothing exciting happens for you today (competing influences to your personal horoscope can make a difference), this promises to be a happy day and an excellent one for social activities and connecting with people who make us laugh.

Sunday, May 19

If you have any important tasks or errands that require a definite result (e.g., you want that sale item and there are limited quantities), you do best to get it done before the Moon goes void at 11:49 AM, especially since it will be void until 5:35 PM tomorrow.

Although the void Moon is typically a time to kick back, relax, engage in spiritual work or practice self-care, today's Sun-Neptune sextile puts a greater emphasis on such activities.

While self-care does include exercise, it's worth noting that some people experience diminished energy under Sun-Neptune aspects, so if you're not up to your usual workout or feel the need for a nap, this may be the reason you feel that way.

Generally speaking, this influence is excellent for creative projects, spiritual work, mind-body disciplines and compassionate care.

Finally, the ego isn't as strong as usual now, so if you want someone's input about something, this could be a good time to ask because it should easier to consider their opinions, comments and critiques without feeling insulted or judged.


May 15 - June 3, 2024

Although he was quick-thinking, fast-acting and short-tempered while in Aries, Mercury loses all sense of urgency the moment he crosses into Taurus.

Not only does his approach become thoughtful, measured and cautious, but his temper grows a long fuse and his standard reply to most questions is, "Let me get back to you on that."

While the latter is especially true if money is involved, the fact of the matter is that Mercury in Taurus doesn't make decisions quickly or lightly. To do otherwise would go against the grounded, deliberate nature of the Bull.

Since Taurus rules money, you may find you that your attention is focused on financial matters now. Whether you're considering the state of your own wallet or the nation's economy, you can expect to view such matters through practical eyes.

And should you decide that action is warranted, you can expect to take concrete steps but only after careful deliberation.

Getting Personal

In the spirit of Mercury in Taurus, where might you need to think more deliberately or say "Let me get back to you on that" in your life?

Look to the life areas where Mercury in Taurus is visiting in your horoscope.

If you don't know where Mercury in Taurus is visiting in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

Or you could click here to learn how to make sense of your horoscope in just 3 weeks!

If your Rising Sign or Sun Sign is:

Aries, it falls in the 2nd house of earnings, finances, personal values, self-esteem and tangible assets.

Taurus, it falls in the 1st house of the physical body and your attitude towards life.

Gemini, it falls in the 12th house of spirituality, creativity, mental health and solitude.

Cancer, it falls in the 11th house of groups, associations, hopes, casual friends and colleagues.

Leo, it falls in the 10th house of career, bosses, parents, fame, status and reputation.

Virgo, it falls in the 9th house of education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel and publishing.

Libra, it falls in the 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, inheritance, estate matters, lotteries, scholarships, grants and mortgages.

Scorpio, it falls in the 7th house of marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients.

Sagittarius, it falls in the 6th house of health, work, employees, co-workers pets, diet and nutrition.

Capricorn, it falls in the 5th house of romance, fun, children, creative self-expression and entertainment.

Aquarius, it falls in the 4th house of home, family, real estate and parents

Pisces, it falls in the 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts and negotiations.


Next week brings a major cosmic event as Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will bless the Twins for an entire year.

Fortunately, all of you have Gemini somewhere in your horoscope, which means you're due for some blessings as well.

What type of lucky breaks does Jupiter in Gemini have in store for you?

Meet me back here next Sunday to find out the source of your Jupiter blessings, along with daily astrological insights and guidance for making the most of a powerful (and positive) full moon.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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