Subject: Weekly Forecast by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

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Please note that all times given below are Eastern Daylight Savings Time -- to change the listed times to your own timezone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter

This week's headline items: On Monday morning, Mercury in Virgo squares the degree of the June 10th Solar Eclipse (and Mars in Virgo does likewise late on Sunday evening). The Sun in Virgo squares the Moon Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius on Saturday night/Sunday very early morning.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this weekTuesday late afternoon (for almost 9 hours); Friday very early morning (for almost 10.5 hours); and Sunday late morning (for almost 9 hours).
Before we get to this week's forecast, I'd like to mention:

Since we will enter Mercury's pre-Shadow phase next week, Monday (Sept. 6th) -- see Sunday's entry for more details -- I wanted to invite those of you who haven't seen our latest Forecasting Forum yet, to watch it!

Prepare for Mercury’s pre-Shadow phase in Libra… feel free to watch: “Blue Moon & Mercury’s pre-Shadow phase Aug-Sept. 2021” — to see how this relates to your own Birth Chart…

==> To purchase this webinar, click here

“Sonja, thanks for a wonderful forecast session yesterday. Full of great and useful info and easy tools to help us prepare. I had never heard about how to use the complete Mercury Retrograde cycle, from shadow to retro and back again so powerfully. I’m definitely looking at this retrograde and future ones differently. Thanks!” — Jaz M.

How can you best prepare for the next Mercury Retrograde phase in Libra? How can you best use Mercury’s  pre-Shadow phase?

  • Where does 10-26 degrees of Libra fall in your own birth chart?
  • What Houses are impacted by the Mercury pre-Shadow phase?

==> To purchase this webinar, click here (only available until Sept. 17th, 2021)

Star Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Aug. 20th late evening ;-) 

Now, this week’s Forecast...

Monday, August 30th:

Monday, the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini all day. It will journey there until Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning.

Until then, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. "Busy" feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way…

The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead :-)

Monday very early morning, at 1:10am EDTMercury changes signs from practical Virgo to harmony-seeking Libra, where it will journey until Nov. 5th (much longer due to the Mercury Retrograde phase in late Sept). Mercury in Libra changes the way we communicate and think. We are more likely now to see things from multiple points of view and to think in abstractions, this helps us be objective.

We have a strong sense of justice and look for ways to make compromises. We speak and act diplomatically; this comes from our desire for harmony, peace, diplomacy, win/win outcomes. We feel better when we are not pressured into making quick decisions. Very probably, the two things we will most avoid at this time are confrontations and emotional intensity.

Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini or Virgo? If so, you will feel a greater need for justice and fairness. Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Libra? If so, you will most likely feel more chatty for the next 9.5 weeks.

Monday early morning, at 3:13am EDTthe last Quarter Moon in 7 degrees Gemini becomes exact. We started to feel this aspect build from the moment the Moon entered Gemini, on Sunday afternoon (Aug. 29th). The Moon in curious, chatty Gemini makes a challenging aspect to the Sun in practical, detail- and service-oriented Virgo.

This may bring challenges; however, it also energizes us to face what demands completion or change. During the last Quarter Moon, we are better served by reviewing any projects begun around the last New Moon -- in this case, that would be Aug. 8th -- rather than launching new ones.

As best as you can, find kind and creative solutions for whatever comes up, whether internally or with others.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 5-9 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces? Do you have an Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer? If so, you will


GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday through Sunday) -- as well as other awesome and exclusive content -- click here to become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) ;-)
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for some of my daily forecasts ;-)
If you have any general questions about Astrology, feel free to reach out via email or my website. If your question requires that I pull up your birth chart, I will ask you to book a reading with me, or join my Monthly Forecasting Forum.

To book a personal reading, go to my Services-page now! All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone. 
Looking forward to supporting you ;-)

Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings, 

Sonja Francis, AC, PIttsburgh, PA 15024, United States
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