Subject: Weekly Forecast by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

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Please note that all times given below are Eastern Standard Time -- to change the listed times to your own time zone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter

This week's headline items: Mars changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on Monday night/Tuesday very early morning; late on Friday morning, Venus also moves into Aquarius, and the first Quarter Moon in Taurus becomes exact. Late Sunday evening, the Sun changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces.

There will be four Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday morning (for almost 1 hour), Wednesday early morning (for a little over 4.5 hours), Friday late morning (for a little over 4.5 hours), and Sunday late evening (for 4 minutes).


Before we get to this week's Forecast, I want to mention...

I will be co-hosting another Soulivity Today Morning Show on Friday, Feb. 16th at 8am EST! Click here to join our show: Hot Astrology Topics

**If you live in California, you can also listen in via KMET Radio (98.1FM/1490AM) at 8am PST

Also, there are some Membership changes that went into effect on Jan. 24th with some new Membership features and some minor price changes ==> You can watch a brief video about those changes here

Now, this week’s Forecast...

Monday, February 12th:

Monday, the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces until 8:26am EST. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic, and imaginative than usual. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy, and affection for all, especially those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.

But that idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn’t match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors.

Monday at 7:32am EST, we enter a brief Moon VoC that will last for 1 hour, until 8:26am EST. Use this intuitive time as an opportunity to tap into your intuitive and imaginative abilities — then focus anew on your long-term goals — so as best as you can, allow your pursuits to be guided by your intuitive knowing!

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday morning ahead of time.

Monday at 8:26am EST, the Moon moves into pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Wednesday late morning. Life is an adventure, we’re more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

Monday night/Tuesday very early morning at 1:05am EST, Mars changes signs from ambitious, goal-oriented Capricorn to freedom-lovingforward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until March 22nd. During this time, we enjoy surprising ourselves and others.

The tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring for us right now. We are looking for unique and original goals, and we tend to have a rather original, forward-thinking view of the world now.

What if you suddenly said, “I am going to surprise myself” when you were least expecting it?

Mental and intellectual pursuits are important to us now. The Aquarian ideal of equality is strong with this position, so we also place a lot of value on freedom and individuality — our own and that of others.

With Mars in this fixed sign, we will definitely need our independence, especially in personal relationships — and we are not easily pushed around. However, we do love connecting with like-minded people at this time (in person or online), so if you have a special cause or community project that you like to engage in, go for it!

It’s best to give ourselves and others lots of space; if we feel boxed in, we may rebel or act contrary. In general, we may feel a desire to push our agenda on others — not in an aggressive way, though… more in a creative manner.

As best as you can, bring a sense of openness to your approach to people and situations. Be aware of feeling superior to others: if you find yourself thinking that someone (or a “class” or group of people) is less “special” than you, put your hand over your heart and ask, “What would my heart say to this?”

The last time Mars journeyed through Aquarius was March 6th – April 14th, 2022. Think back to those times: what got initiated around then? How could you move that to the next level?

If you have an Aries Sun- or Rising-sign, you are going to feel more detached, forward-thinking, and freedom-loving. You may want to change things in your life that have outlived their use.

If you are an Aquarius Sun-sign or Rising sign, you will feel quite energized for the next 5.5 weeks. Channeling this energy into physical exercise or projects with like-minded people might be advisable. 


GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday through Sunday) -- as well as other awesome and exclusive content -- click here to become a site member 
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PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for some of my daily forecasts ;-)
If you have any general questions about Astrology, feel free to reach out via email or my website. If your question requires that I pull up your birth chart, I will ask you to book a reading with me, or join my Monthly Forecasting Forum.

To book a personal reading, go to my Services-page now! All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone. 
Looking forward to supporting you ;-)

Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings, 

Sonja Francis, AC, PIttsburgh, PA 15024, United States
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