Subject: Weekly Forecast by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

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Please note that all times given below are Eastern Daylight Savings Time -- to change the listed times to your own time zone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter

This week's headline items: we can feel a T-Square between Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Leo, and Pluto in Aquarius all week; the same is true for the Grand Cross that involves the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio. On Wednesday afternoon, it's time to start taking action on our New Moon intentions -- and the first Quarter Moon in Virgo becomes exact on Saturday late morning.
There will only be two Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Wednesday early morning (for almost 5.5 hours), and Friday very early morning (for 20.5 hours).
Before we get to this week's Forecast, just a quick reminder:

We will be talking about the Grand Cross in the Fixed Signs next week, Friday (June 2nd) at 5pm EDT. If you would like to know what needs to change in your life, join us live or get the mp4-video recording of the live event. We will apply all of this to our own birth charts.

Star Members are automatically registered every month. ==> Everyone else, please register here!

Now, this week’s Forecast...

Monday, May 22nd:

Monday, the Moon remains in protective, nurturing Cancer all day. It will journey there until Wednesday late morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say, and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt -- so be kind to yourself and others. Self-Care is key until Wednesday late morning.

Emotional safety is important to us as well; we like connecting to the familiar, and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others -- home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure though, that your own glass is full before letting others drink from it; if you don't, you might start to feel drained and resentful.

Monday very early morning, an opportune Sun/Mars aspect becomes exact at 1:57am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Wednesday (May 17th) on; it will remain strong until this Saturday evening (May 27th). Many of us feel an inner joy now when communicating and connecting with others; it is a good time to link this to passionate self-expression and the joyful creation of our life, as we see it in alignment with our heart energies.

We have to “take” opportunities, and this one is no exception: It requires us to take action. What if there was a single, really simple action step, that would feel almost effortless? What might it be?

Our self-confidence and self-esteem can get a boost: we feel we can meet life on life's terms and stand up for ourselves (and our point of view) without becoming hostile or confrontational. Body and mind can align, and we want to move fast! Patience is probably not on top of our list...

Ask yourself: What might sharing something that I feel passionate about allow me to do? How might adding a dash of love, gratitude, and joy create whole-hearted interactions with others?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 0-4 degrees of Gemini, Leo, Aries, or Aquarius? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Aries (the Sun rules Leo; Mars is the ruler of Aries).

Monday early afternoon is a great time to focus on spiritual/intuitive experiences or creative endeavors and to lend loving and nurturing support to others. As best as you can, focus on the here and now, and release anything that feels outdated or stuck in the past. (Moon in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces, exact at 12:24pm EDT) 

Monday mid-late afternoon we have an opportunity to think about the physical comforts in our lives that give us pleasure and stability and see if they are in alignment with who we are... Are your needs being met? Do your physical comforts leave you feeling nurtured?

It is also an opportunity to connect to family (or friends that feel like family) and talk about things that could improve everyone's well-being -- this could include financial issues or concerns, or simply looking at our physical reality and what feeds us. (Moon in Cancer sextiles Mercury in Taurusexact at 3:07pm EDT)


GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday through Sunday) -- as well as other awesome and exclusive content -- click here to become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) ;-)

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for some of my daily forecasts ;-)
If you have any general questions about Astrology, feel free to reach out via email or my website. If your question requires that I pull up your birth chart, I will ask you to book a reading with me, or join my Monthly Forecasting Forum.

To book a personal reading, go to my Services-page now! All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone. 
Looking forward to supporting you ;-)

Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings, 

Sonja Francis, AC, PIttsburgh, PA 15024, United States
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