Subject: Weekly Forecast by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

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Please note that all times given below are Eastern Daylight Savings Time -- to change the listed times to your own timezone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter

This week's headline itemsthere are no longer any stationing (exalted) planets in the sky; the last Quarter Moon in Leo becomes exact on Thursday afternoon; Mars changes signs from Libra to Scorpio on Saturday late morning.

I should also note that Daylight Savings Time ends in Europe and Great Britain early Sunday morning, but continues in the US.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this weekMonday late morning (for almost 7 hours); Thursday very early morning (3 hours); and Saturday very early morning (almost 11 hours).
Before we get to this week's forecast, I'd like to mention: 

If you missed my Forecasting Forum last week… and still would like to learn how to align yourself with the upcoming planetary shifts, and prepare for Eclipse season, as well as, a powerful T-Square in Scorpio, Taurus & Aquarius… 

==> feel free to get the mp4-video presentation "Powerful T-Square: Saturn squares Mars & Uranus, Nov. 2021" -- and see how it relates to your own Birth Chart... 

“This has been wonderfully insightful and empowering for me. So glad I made the decision to be aboard. <3 <3 <3” — Michaele D. C. 

"Great explanation of the power of the T-square and how to break it all down!" -- Karen W. 

How can you best prepare for the upcoming Eclipse season? How about this powerful T-Square involving Mars, Saturn & Uranus in the fixed signs? 
  • Where does 5-15º of AquariusScorpio or Taurus fall in your own birth chart? 
  • What Houses are impacted by Mars' transit through Scorpio
  • What House is connected to the "empty leg" of the T-Square? 
(only available until Nov. 19th, 2021

Star Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Oct. 22nd late evening ;-)
Now, this week’s Forecast...

Monday, October 25th:

Mondaythe Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini until 5pm EDTUntil then, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. "Busy" feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way…

The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead :-)

Monday late morning, at 10:11am EDT, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for almost 7 hours, until 5pm EDT. Use this intuitive time to connect with others, socialize, and share information with them.

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don't start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to pre-plan Monday late morning until the early evening.

Monday at 5pm EDTthe Moon moves into protective, nurturing Cancer, where it will journey until Thursday early morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt -- so be kind to yourself and others. Self-Care is key for the next two days ;-)

Emotional safety is important to us as well; we like connecting to the familiar and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others -- home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure though, that your glass is filled before letting others drink from it, otherwise you might start to feel...


GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday through Sunday) -- as well as other awesome and exclusive content -- click here to become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) ;-)
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for some of my daily forecasts ;-)
If you have any general questions about Astrology, feel free to reach out via email or my website. If your question requires that I pull up your birth chart, I will ask you to book a reading with me, or join my Monthly Forecasting Forum.

To book a personal reading, go to my Services-page now! All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone. 
Looking forward to supporting you ;-)

Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings, 

Sonja Francis, AC, PIttsburgh, PA 15024, United States
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