Subject: Full Moon in Scorpio - an article by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

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The next Full Moon will be "exact" on  April 23rdat 7:49pm EDTthe Moon opposes the Sun in 4 degrees of Scorpio. 

The entrance of the Moon into Scorpio earlier that same day begins the energetic build-up towards this powerful Full Moon.

The Moon, in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio, opposes the Sun in steady, peaceful Taurus. This offers an opportunity for a deeper, more authentic connection with ourselves and others.

Eclipse Season ended on April 18th. We have now received our consciousness upgrades! Tune in for a moment: Do you feel any differently now than you did before March 15th?

Another thing to consider: on Oct. 28th, 2023, we had a Lunar Eclipse in 5 degrees of Taurus-Scorpio. Since this Full Moon is in a similar degree, check to see what has been coming up since then when it comes to facing your fears and valuing yourself and your authentic relationships with others.

Ask yourself: What inauthentic (or even toxic) relationships must I still release or transform to step into greater abundance and happiness? What fears must likewise be released or transformed?

This Full Moon will most likely stimulate our emotional body and increase our awareness of unconscious patterns and fears. We may feel more easily triggered as buried emotions, motivations, and fears surface. Please be aware of projections and jumping to conclusions.

If you are unsure whether you are projecting something on someone else, check for defensiveness, over-reactivity, or difficulty being objective while exhibiting rigid behaviors.

==> If you are already a Member of my online communityclick here to watch my Members Full Moon video.

==> If not, don't worry: right now, you can get the first month of the Universal Membership for FREE (cancel anytime via your Membership portal).
There are several aspects worth mentioning in this Full Moon chart:
  • Pluto (the ruler of Scorpio) is currently in Aquarius — and highly exalted — squares the Full Moon polarity in Scorpio-Taurus
  • Mars (the co-ruler of Scorpio), currently in Pisces, aligns with Neptune and sextiles the Jupiter-Uranus alignment in Taurus
  • Venus (the ruler of Taurus), currently in Aries, aligns with Chiron, and a highly exalted Mercury
  • A highly exalted Mercury in Aries aligns with the North Node and comes to a halt less than two days after the Full Moon becomes exact (on April 25th) — ending its 3-week Retrograde phase.
  • Last but not least, Saturn in Pisces semi-sextiles the Mercury-North Node alignment in Aries and semi-squares Pluto in Aquarius
We will cover all of that in a moment, but first...

For the next two weeks, we seek the balance and integration of two polarities and are aware that something needs to be brought into alignment; the balance in question is between our physical attachments, aversions, and connections -- symbolized by Taurus-- and our emotional attachments, aversions, and connections (Scorpio).

The time of the Full Moon brings greater awareness to what was unconscious or hidden previously. This particular one invites us to let go of fears or disempowering behaviors.

So, here's this Full Moon’s central question: As a society, are we living in alignment with our values, with what makes us happy and satisfied?

How about as individuals? Do we feel empowered and emotionally fulfilled? Are there any fears that serve as obstacles on the path to progress? Or perhaps some rigid thought processes?

Let's take a closer look at the two signs involved in this Full Moon polarity...


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Jupiter and Uranus only meet every 14 years. Their cycles correspond with beliefs in the ability to make progress in a particular area of life — sometimes leading to social upheaval. 

We may also see upheaval in the natural world, for example with floods, severe storms, tornados, and earthquakes. It’s all about “shaking things up” in general.

|+| We also discuss the Jupiter-Uranus alignment in greater detail in our Forecasting Forum on April 24th at 5pm EDT/2pm PDT 

==> Join us live or register to receive the replay! EARLY BRIRD SPECIAL available until Monday, April 22nd at midnight EDT!

|+| Universal Members get a 10% discount at any time, and Star Members  are automatically registered every month

|+| If you are reading this after April 24th, you can go to my webinar page and get the recording of this webinar here.
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for some of my daily forecasts ;-)
 If you have any general questions about Astrology, feel free to reach out via email or my website

 If your question requires that I pull up your birth chart, I will ask you to book a reading with me, or join my Monthly Forecasting Forum.

To book a personal reading, go to my Services-page now! 

All readings are done via zoom or phone. Looking forward to supporting you ;-)

Have a fantastic Full Moon! 
Many blessings, 

Sonja Francis, AC, PIttsburgh, PA 15024, United States
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