| | | News and Opportunities for Artists of Fairfield County June 15, 2019 CORRECTED & ABBREVIATED |
| | Yesterday's edition contained many incorrect links from the images in the YOUR NEWS section to larger versions of themselves. This version presents the corrected version of just that section of the Newsletter. A corrected version of the complete Newsletter is available here. |
| | The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is a nonprofit service organization that supports its members through unified marketing, capacity building, professional development, and advocacy services. This newsletter is sent to all who request it - but we ask that, if you are not a member, you explore membership benefits and consider joining this community of more than 600 individuals and organizations. See member benefits here. Join here.
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| | | Anna Badini, Heidi Lewis Coleman, Rosa E. Colon, Carol Nipomnich Dixon, Kathryn Fitzgerald, Steve Magee, and Jim Malloy are among the 40 artists selected by Anne von Stuelpnagel, Director of Exhibitions at the Bruce Museum, to be included in the Stamford Art Association's 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water, running June 14-July 11, with an artists' reception, Fri June 21, 6-8pm. This exhibit was founded to honor two original members of the Stamford Art Association who were also avid sailors.
| | Lisa Berger, Nancy Breakstone, Janine Brown and Julie O'Connor had work selected by Ann H. Sievers for the Connecticut Women Artists' 90th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition to be held at the Slater Memorial Museum, in Norwich, CT, June 15-Sept. 13, with an opening reception on Sat. June 22, 1-3pm.
| | Paul Berger, Tracy Hoffman, Emily Hamilton Laux, Cynthia Mullins, Steven Parton, and Norm Siegel all succeeded in placing their work in Nor'Easter: The 49th Annual Juried Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art. The opening reception is Sun. June 23, 12:30-2pm. Min Jung Kim, Director and CEO, will address the audience and present the awards at 1pm. This show is the NBMAA's annual opportunity to showcase contemporary visual arts from the region, highlights exceptional work of emerging artists in all media.
| | | | Lisa Berger had two pieces accepted into the Connecticut Women Artists' 90th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition at the Slater Memorial Museum, in Norwich, CT, June 15-Sept. 13, with an opening reception on Sat. June 22, 1-3pm. Lisa's Found in Translation (mixed media, 23x18) is a collage using acrylics, ink transfer, mono-type printing and other mark making tools on archival printmaking paper. Her Transcending Boundaries (mixed media, 23x19, at right) is a mixed media painting using acrylics, pastel, pencil, mono-type printing and other mark making tools on archival printmaking paper. |
| | Paul Berger has one of his original color photographs included in Nor'Easter: The 49th Annual Juried Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art, opening with a reception Sun. June 23, 12:30-2pm. Paul is showing his Cathedral Under the Canvas (24x31, detail at right, click for complete image), which he says captures a surprisingly rich interplay between the late afternoon light and the various lines, shapes, and patterns that really came to life under this large canvas tent in Nantucket. |
| | | | | | Miggs Burroughs is having his Signs of Compassion exhibition installed at the Montefiore Medical Center, Hutchinson Metro Center, 1250 Waters Place, Tower One, Bronx, NY, from June 26 through October, 2019. The show is a photographic tribute to a poem by Emily Dickinson, expressed by thirty individuals, one phrase at a time, in American Sign Language, through the lenticular medium. See an example here. The show opens with a reception Wed. June 26, 12:30-2pm. Click on image for larger picture. |
| | Congratulations to Heidi Lewis Coleman for winning Second Prize at the Stamford Art Association's 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water (June 14-July 11), with an artists' reception Fri June 21, 6-8pm. Heidi won the award for her Passing Through (acrylic on canvas, 48x36). Heidi will be showing several of her acrylic and cut paper pieces, including Rivendell (24x24, at right), in GR Art Gallery's upcoming Summer Show 2019, opening with a reception on Sat. June 22, 5:30 - 8pm.
| | Carol Nipomnich Dixon received an Honorable Mention for her embroidery on felt, Ocean Waves at Sunset (2019, 13x13, at right) juried into the Stamford Art Association's 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water (June 14-July 11), with an artists' reception Fri June 21, 6-8pm. She also had Sea of Cortez (oil and spray painting on canvas, 36x36) accepted. Carol also had two works juried into the exhibit Inside Small Art at the Greenwich Botanical Center: Autumn Leaves and Grasses, Greenwich Point, (2017, embroidery and Caran d'Ache on felt) and Fallen Petals (2017, mixed media embroidered collage, 10x10, framed). |
| | Carol Nipomnich Dixon also has a solo exhibition, “All That Jazz”, at the Byram Shubert Library, 21 Mead Avenue, Greenwich, from June 10 through August 17, 2019. A reception sponsored by the Friends of the Byram Shubert Library will be held Sat. July 27, 3-5pm. Among the thirteen oil paintings and six embroidered collages is her painting All That Jazz (oil on canvas, 36x36, at right). "Rhythm, movement, and color reverberate through oil paintings of Carol Nipomnich Dixon. One can almost hear the strains of Count Basie, Chuck Berry, or Miles Davis when viewing such works as her “Stepping Out,” “Swing Tim,” or “The Blues.” Along with these paintings are smaller-scaled vibrant embroidered collages whose stitches dance across the surface as the paint dances along her canvases." |
| | Kathy Fitzgerald had four works juried into the Stamford Art Association's 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water (June 14-July 11), with an artists' reception, Fri June 21, 6-8pm. At right, her Breakthrough (2019, acrylic on canvas, 60x48; click for larger image). Kathy comments that after completing this painting, her eyes were drawn to the grid-like images. Initially seeing the base colors trapped behind the grid-like bars, she then saw glorious images which appeared to be breaking through. In addition, she believes this piece represents her own “Breakthrough.” After working 25 years in the mental health field as a counselor, she had difficulty identifying herself as an artist and this challenging piece allowed her to truly do that. Her other works in the show are: The Wave, White Caps and Bird's Eye View. |
| | Emily Hamilton Laux has one of her photographs included in Nor'Easter: The 49th Annual Juried Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art, opening with a reception Sun. June 23, 12:30-2pm. Her Beauty Versus Beauty: Dahlia and Red Clover (2017; detail at right) is part of her Beauty Versus Beauty series that addresses the complex relationship of native and invasive ecosyst-ems, biodiversity, and individual notions of beauty in nature. Presented as still lifes, and using bell jars and water to isolate species, this series considers the co-mingled relationships of plants that grow in our backyards, along the edges of fields and parking lots, as well flora that are cultivated for their beauty. Compared to other threats to biodiversity, invasive species rank second only to habitat destruction, such as forest clearing. Introduced invasive species are a greater threat to native biodiversity than pollution, harvest, and disease combined. Like the kudzu that weaves its way across the landscape of the Deep South, invasive species are often considered beautiful and not acknowledged until they are out of control. |
| | Jim Malloy is participating in the Carriage Barn’s Art In The Windows show in New Canaan until June 14 with City Still Life and Fire In Ice on display at Stewart’s Spirits on Elm Street. Jim's Wooden Ships #2 (acrylic on paper, 22x18, detail at right) was juried into the Stamford Art Association's 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water (June 14-July 11), with an artists' reception, Fri June 21, 6-8pm. His painting is from his Wooden Ships Series meant "to evoke a bygone era when the high seas were navigated by wooden ships and iron men." His Enigma Ridge is on display in the Far Away Places show in Stamford's Ferguson Library, and he has several pieces showing at Gaudi Tapas & Wine in Danbury.
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Congratulations to Sooo-z Mastropiece for being first "Artist is in" at the re-opened Westport Library, June 23. Sooo-z will not only be exhibiting her MicroFiberOrganism installation, which she has been developing for over a year, but she will be in residence and working in her Library “studio” for nearly three weeks and invites you to come say hello (in Room 213) and take a look. Sooo-z says: "These orphans of a textile splurge came to me in need of purpose so I not only reincarnated them once, I gave them a second life. To discard a useful tube is tragic and in turn it is representative of our impulsive-ness. We are rampant consumers on a constant quest for stuff and things, often disregarding the consequences of over buying, over using, throwing away, and doing it all again. The goal of this installation is to demonstrate the parallel between the dynamic propagation of nature and the vigorous materialism of humans and question the continuance of this path. A story of symbiotic relationships." |
| | | | Julie O'Connor has had two of her photographs, Looking Into Bruegel, Vienna (2019, 20x16, detail at right) and Secrets of the Doge's Palace, selected by Ann H. Sievers for the Connecticut Women Artists' 90th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition at the Slater Memorial Museum, in Norwich, CT, June 15-Sept. 13, with an opening reception on Sat. June 22, 1-3pm. |
| | | | Alissa Siegal's painting Sparrow, (charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on linen, 20x20, at right) part of her ongoing series of paintings of Birds, is in the New York Academy of Art's Summer Exhibition 2019 (111 Franklin Street, NYC), running June 18 through July 21, with an opening reception Tues. June 18, 6-8pm. Alissa is particularly attracted to painting these creatures which, "are amazingly engineered, complex and social creatures with cultural and mythic significance. But their habitats are threatened by development and pollution, endangering them even as they fly above us. The images reflect our current times." |
| | | | CALENDAR
Tues June 18: Summer Exhibition 2019, New York Academy of Art (111 Franklin Street, NYC). Opening Reception 6-8pm (Alissa Siegal) Fri. June 21: 20th Annual Vivian and Stanley Reed Marine Show: Water. Stamford Art Association. Opening reception, 6-8pm (Anna Badini, Heidi Lewis Coleman, Rosa E. Colon, Carol Nipomnich Dixon, Kathryn Fitzgerald, Steve Magee, and Jim Malloy) Sat. June 22: Connecticut Women Artists' 90th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition, Slater Memorial Museum. Opening Reception, 1-3pm (Lisa Berger, Nancy Breakstone, Julie O'Connor) Sat. June 22: Summer Show 2019, GR Art Gallery, Stamford.Opening Reception 5:30 - 8pm.(Elizabeth Agresta, Heidi lewis Coleman) Sun. June 23: Nor'Easter: The 49th Annual Juried Exhibition, New Britain Museum of American Art. Opening Reception, 12:30-2pm (Paul Berger, Tracy Hoffman, Emily Hamilton Laux, Cynthia Mullins, Steven Parton, and Norm Siegel) Wed. June 26: Miggs Burroughs, Signs of Compassion. Montefiore Medical Center, Hutchinson Metro Center, 1250 Waters Place, Tower One, Bronx, NY. Opening Reception, 12:30-2pm |
| | | The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is a 501(c)(3) cultural nonprofit membership organization. We are grateful to our members and our donors whose support enables us to do our work. Donations are always very welcome and may be made here. In particular, we are grateful for support from: |
| | | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Scelerisque facilisis a rhoncus sed! Non in duis dictumst natoque a nec in pellentesque, auctor augue et platea elementum eros, integer urna, scelerisque, hac lundium! Dignissim purus urna tortor? Rhoncus, cras massa. Porttitor cras auctor turpis lorem adipiscing, odio nec mus diam |