Subject: Friend, The first day of the rest of my life?

Friend, The first day of the rest of my life?

May 1st, 2007 at 1:26 pm IST

Dear [firstname], Firstly, I wanted to say thanks for your prayers for me and the family in the past. Secondly, I wanted to bring you up to speed with news before I email my main list. Today, Tues 1st May 2007, is officially the first day of the r ...

Friend, prayer stuff for USA trip

March 10th, 2007 at 7:26 pm IST

Dear Friend, I wanted to keep you up to speed with my imminent USA trip and ask for your prayers. I've pasted in the details of the various dates & venues at the bottom of this email and there are more details to be found at This ...

Friend, Prayer Letter 1st March 2007

March 1st, 2007 at 4:57 pm IST

Hi Friend This is my first official prayer letter to this private prayer list. Firstly, thanks so much for even considering journeying this with me - I have a growing sense of adventure about it all and it's great to know that you are up for the cha ...