Subject: Friend, prayer newsletter from Lithuania

Hi Friend

I'm currently leading a team here in Lithuania in eastern Europe and we could use some extra prayer cover.

The team this year is smaller than usual, just 4 of us which means that the workload is heavier.

For the other team members it's their first time here (my 4th) so there's the learning/culture curve for them to adapt to. Also I've just discovered that one of our team members suffers from irrational panic attacks and physically struggled to board the plane on the way out.

She is a gifted musician and singer - pray that she finds the freedom to move beyond these debillitating fears - and wisdom for me!

We will be ministering and performing in orphanages, salvation army drop in for addicts and homeless, pubs and other outreach contexts.

Would welocome your prayers for protection and much creativity and grace, that what we do through music and interaction with the Lituanian people would be very effective Kingdom business.

I really appreciate your willingness to pray for what I do.

Speak soon.

Cheers - Andy