Subject: Friend, Prayer Letter 1st March 2007

Hi Friend

This is my first official prayer letter to this private prayer
list. Firstly, thanks so much for even considering journeying
this with me - I have a growing sense of adventure about it all
and it's great to know that you are up for the challenge of
praying into the vision with me (and the family).

As far as vision goes I'd like to outline what I'm thinking and
have you pray into it and see what God is saying but I'll do
that in another email.

But firstly let me keep you up to speed on the USA events this

I've been invited by Kevin & Rosemary Sambrook to lead worship
at a series of events in entitled "Walking in the footsteps of
St. Patrick". These gatherings are explorations into how we can
the capture the rich Celtic Christian heritage that St. Patrick
pioneered and learn how to live out those values and anointing
in this generation.

These happenings are taking place in Branson (Missouri),
Atlanta, Knoxville and Nashville. The exact details can be found

I'll be traveling with a team from here including dancers. Neil
Andrews, who's on staff at New Hope Church in Nashville is
coordinating band and musicians in the US and he tells me that
we have the legendary drummer Chester Thompson (Genesis and Phil
Collins' drummer) in the band (he goes to that church!).

Prayer points (as I see them).

the music/worship prep that I need to get my head around (it
looks like I'm going to be up to my eyes in work related stuff
before I go but I don't want to 'short change' on the
for all the traveling practicalities.
Could I also ask you to pray for Shirley and the girls
(Leigh-Ann & Zoe) - it's often hard on them when I'm off doing

One final thing before I go.

I've reached the point where It seems right for me to resign
from my current work as a financial adviser. At the start of
this year I got a phone call (2nd of January to be precise) from
someone who is going to partly fund my ministry this year. It's a
significant donation but not enough to fully support us as a
family however my brother has invited me to come work for his
property company an average of 2 days per week which should
allow me to meet the rest of our needs.

This is still a big decision for us and i want to manage it
wisely - here's what I think God is saying. I read recently
about how Ezra, when returning to Jerusalem with the blessing of
King Artaxerxes, left on the 1st day of the first month and
arrived in Jerusalem on the 1st day of the fifth month (Ezra
7:9). I had been thinking to myself that I hadn't responded in
faith at the start of the year by not immediately initiating the
move towards the ministry (I'm not always comfortable with that
word, but anyway) but now I'm thinking that maybe the 1st of May
is the date to aim for?

We'd welcome your prayers on this and for provision generally.

As ever, all this is subject to the Lord's veto " we can make
our plans but the Lord determines our steps" (Pr 16:9) - so I'd
love to hear your thoughts etc.

Once again it's a great comfort to know I can offload some of
these burdens.

Speak soon.

God Bless you - Andy