Subject: Friend, Song 12 of the 20/20 Project just posted...

Hi Friend,

I've just uploaded the video for this week's song to the blog at

This week it's a collaboration between Leigh-Ann, my eldest
daughter, and myself.

I asked Leigh-Ann to created some music that we could hang a
song on, so she came up with a chord sequence and rhythm that is
the basis of song number 12. As a piano player she has come up
with something that I probably wouldn't have done on the guitar,
which is great.

It's a first draft that I think it needs another chorus, so this
week I'm opening it up again to lyric suggestions for a second

If you'd like to contribute to the process simply post your
comments on the blog (click on the comment link below the video)
or send me an email.

Even if you don't have any lyric ideas please let me have your
general feedback on the song.

Speak soon.

Cheers - Andy
P.S. Here's the link again