Subject: (Weekend Gift) Premium Banner and Info Graphics Collection



A few weeks ago I spent 200 b'ucks to buy a few stuff from ShutterStock and well, I could say it’s pain in the ass.

It’s super expensive.

I think we all need high-quality info-graphics and premium banner  for our business.

For example: We all need stunning info-graphics to use for our social media banners, websites, videos, etc.

So I sat here to write this email for you guys.

If you go to these major stock sites, it will cost you a lot.

Then I had an 0pportunity to b'uy a great source of high-quality info-graphics from my friend with full g'iveaway and developer rights.

I feel happy because from now on I don't have to spend my hard-earned m0ney for such expensive stuff.

Today, I will send these high-quality info-graphics with full-developer rights for our AnimatioX Communicty

... with the hope that you can use them for your business as well as your clients.

All you need to do is reply this email and I will personally send the download link to first 100 people.

 A little bit details about these premium banner: High Definition Info Graphics and Banners; full developer rights, add value to your product, create banner ads, use in social media, add them to your website, use on clients sites, use in presentations, and so much more


To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng From AnimatioX

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