Subject: The World's First High Ticket C.P.A Traffic Generating App & System

This kind of marketing is H0T now but it’s not easy these days.


I want to talk about C.P.A marketing. This kind of marketing is H0T now but it’s not easy these days.

C.P.A stands for 'Cost Per Acti0n'. When a visitor takes acti0n through your affiIiate link on any C.P.A 0ffer, you get paid. C.P.A marketing includes getting paid for each lead or signup you generated through your speciaI (affiIiate) link.

The thing is the C.P.A industry these days is more competitive than ever before so you will need a ground-breaking app + a high-quality training to walk you through step by step how to dominate with the C.P.A you’re following.

The good news is my friend released a good C.P.A app + intensive training which helps you with everything regarding C.P.A.

This is one of your permanent marketing tool boxes which you won’t consider giving it back.

Learn More Details About Slickrr

Slickrr Is A Cloud-Based App That Generates Targeted C.P.A Traffic & Helps Newbies Make High-Ticket C.P.A C0mmissions.

Slickrr Lets You Blast Your Instagram Profile & Bio Link By Viewing Stories Of Targeted Followers.

Slickrr works in 4 simple steps:

Step1: Niche Research: Find The High Ticket C.P.A 0ffers.

Step2: Set Up Your C.P.A Funnel:With 1-Click You Setup Your C.P.A Machine

Step3: Automate The Traffic... Put Your Link In Front Of Targeted Audience.

Step4: [Watch] 1000 To 4000 Views A Day...

How Will You Benefit?

[+]Slickrr Lets You Blast Your Instagram Profile & Bio Link By Viewing Stories Of Targeted Followers.

[+]The Most Powerful C.P.A Traffic App Ever...

[+]Generate Easy & 1000 To 4000 Viewers Everyday...

[+]Find High Ticket C.P.A 0ffers & Put Them In-Front Of Potential Action Takers...

[+]Target The Right Audience From Inside The App...

[+]Track All The Traffic & Conversions Inside 1-Dashboard...

Grab Slickrr At A Low One Time Fee Today

We Have VIPB/nusPackages For You Today But You Need To Act Fast Because This B/nus Package Is ExcIusively For The

First 100 People To Grab this system Through Me Today.

VIPB1: 50k IM Subscriber List [Game Changer!] (For Any Purchase – Limited Time) + 1 Built-In Autoresponder Cloud-based App

VIPB2: C.P.A Boss Cloud App

It includes a bunch of tools that you will need to use for your C.P.A campaigns: image Editor, Campaign, Schedule post, Niche Finder, Youtube Downloader, URL Shortener,

VIPB3: Simplrr Cloud App

An easy-to-use app that automatically gets you FR’EE, unIimited traffic from all the top social media outlets with just a few clicks of your mouse.

VIPB4: Website Builder Cloud App

A website builder which is loaded with 400+ website templates in any niche.The website builder is in drag-n-drop style so you can easily build any type of website you want without learning website design skills or whatsoever.

VIPB5: NewsSiteBuilder Cloud App

NewsSiteBuilder is the world-class, all-in-one news site builder that helps you to instantly launch your own fully-monetized viral sites with trending curated content and videos to drive passive pr0fits in ANY niche.

Grab Slickrr + VIPb/nus package now!

VIPB6: UnIimited 150k Content Engine

This unique technology allows you to leverage over 150,000 content engine library of articles that is built from scratch by my team

VIPB7: Interactive Virtual Cloud-based App

This is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Exp” For your clients.

VIPB8: Proto 'App Development' Enterprise App

This app solves the biggest issue with creating your own products and software - converting your ideas into pr0fitable products and software.

VIPB9: VideoBlast Cloud App

Brand NEW ‘VideoBlast Cloud App Software: The World’s Most Powerful Traffic Software That Creates DFY Video’s & Blasts Them 100+ Traffic Sources In 1-CLick...

VIPB10:EasyArbitrage Cloud-based App

This is a cloud-based software that allows you to do arbitrage in all niches: ecom, freelance work, etc.

VIPB11: A list of cloud-based apps as previous vendor’s launches:

-HotShott Cloud App

-Convertrr Cloud App

-The C.P.A Eagle

-Internet Retirement Cloud App

-C0mmission Hustler Cloud App

-Easy eC@sh Cloud App

-Slick C.P.A Pr0fits Cloud App

-lncomely Cloud App

Grab Slickrr + VIPb/nus package now!

B/nuses are sitting in your W+ portal...any problems just hit me up!

To Be Your 0nline Success
Rick Ng
(Co-Founder Of Borrowify,FunnelzPro,Videfit,Contentify,MultiSociFit,FunnelChief, Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

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