Subject: Replace All Your Lead Generation Tools With This Super-Software


I wanted to bring you the exact Same strategy & technology used successfully by Airbnb, Dropbox and Uber packed into an easy-to-use, yet super-powerful cloud-based software.

This is a gamechanger marketing technology that helps you convert 350% of your trafflc(as against the 2.35%) into red-hot leads using incentive driven viral marketing funnels. This is the EXACT Same strategy & technology used by Airbnb, Dropbox and Uber.

Dropbox, for example, exploded their user base by implementing one effortless viral tactic: Asking users to refer their f’riends (for f’ree) in exchange for e’xtra storage space. Using Viral Hacking, Dropbox went from 100,000 users to 4 MILLION in just 15 months.

I am BLOWN away!

What you are about to see today is by far the B.E.S.T Lead Generation software I have ever seen online...

You can finally STOP paying for expensive ads for generating leads.

ViralLeadFunnels uses ‘Viral-Loop’ technology to help you start a chain-reacti0n where a single lead generates you multiple leads WITHOUT any effort needed on your part.

You can use these funnels to generate leads for your business or for your clients!

Create different types of viral campaigns in a few clicks - milestone campaigns, waitlists, double loops, sweepstakes, etc.

People are saying this the "B’EST LEAD GENERATION SOFTWARE of the YEAR"...

This software goes live on Sep 19th at 11 AM EST – Learn More Details About It

Use My C0upon for $3 0FF: VIP3off

ViralLeadFunnels comes with an Inbuilt Funnel Page Builder that helps you create beautiful landing pages and thank you pages for your lead funnels.

The Full-Proof Point Tracking System uses API to monitor and assign predefined points to your subscribers when they complete certain acti0ns…

… and the Inbuilt Reward Delivery System delivers rewards via automated emails.

This is an absolute no-brainer because no matter which market and which niche you are in… Leads are something you can never have enough of...


Step 1: People Signup

People sign up on your viral funnel. You can give them immediate value for signing up e.g. a book.

Step 2: People Refer F’riends

Your users have their own unique link to share with their f’riends and family in order to reach a milestone. You incentivize them by giving them points when they take specific acti0ns (e.g share, join your group, etc) or when they achieve specific milestones (e.g refer 5 f’riends)

Step 3: They Reach A Milestone & G’et Rewarded

As they take acti0n and refer f’riends, they unlock rewards. They can unlock more valuable rewards when they refer to more people, like cheat sheets, mind maps, video, software, etc. When people take specific acti0ns or reach a specific number of referrals (milestone) they win the corresponding g’iveaway.

This  converts and works better than any other type of marketing out there

Watch Viral Lead Funnels Demo Video

Use My C0upon for $3 0FF: VIP3off

It Works for any type of business and any type of niche, Whether you are selling:


Digital Products

Affiliate Marketing



Health & Fitness




High Ticket

Selling via Webinar

Product Launches



If You’re A Local Business,Large Multinational Company, Or Even A Complete Beginner

Here are my top premium b0nuses for you:

VIPB0nus1 (Cloud-Based App): 1 F’ree Copy Of Multi-Pr0fitz – My Upcoming Software Launch (Value $2997)

Multi-Pr0fitz makes it easy to find, customize and publish relevant, high-impact content to multiple blogs, websites, and social media simultaneously… without the typical hassles of writing content from scratch or paying a writer to do it.

You can use this tool to automate content for multiple blogs, social media platforms for weeks, even months.

VIPB0nus2(Cloud-Based App): Interactive Content App (Value $1267)

Interactive Content App gives any business or entrepreneur the power to acquire more leads and make more s’ales by making their content more interactive with Quizzes, Polls, Surveys, Stories, Galleries and other personality tests, in a matter of minutes

VIPB0nus3 (Cloud-Based App): Social Ecom Store (Value $1192)

Social Ecom Store is cloud-based software. It will change everything with your eCom store. You will easily make a pr0fit from social media marketing or e-commerce.

Unlike Shopify or Bigecomere, this software does not require complicated installation steps or high monthly fees.

As far as I know, Social Ecom Store has automatically installed the monthly system whether you are pr0fitable or not. This is really sad news for ecom owners. And the worst part I see is that after a while they will stop some features of the store and force us to upgrade to continue using them.

But Social Ecom Store has appeared to help you have a new path. You can save thousands of dollars with Social Ecom Store’s coupons. You will have a high-converting and easy-to-pr0fit store with the usual images posted on stores on social media.

VIPB0nus4 (Cloud-Based App): VideoAdsPro (Value $1348)

VideoAdsPro is a ground-breaking software that offers you a chance to create high-quality videos for any product or service available out there without breaking a sweat! Are you wondering how?

Well, the tool comes with a one-of-a-kind technology that can pull contents from top eCommerce sites before rendering them into a highly-converting video on its own! Isn’t this great?

And this is not even the beginning of what VideoAdsPro may 0ffer you! It even comes along with highly-converting templates as well as a built-in editor tool in case you want to do things the old way.

You want contents like music and texts? The tool will also give them to you! In short, whatever you need, as long as it involves video building, VideoAdsPro will be there to help you out.

VIPB0nus5(Cloud-Based App): LockFit (Value $997/year)

 This cloud-based app will help you build an email list, FB messenger list or both. Create a seamless way for your prospects to opt-in to either your email or Messenger subscriber list while they’re consuming your content (instead of before, or after).

Picture leveraging every blog post, eBook, PDF and video you ever create in a way that gives your audience value and benefits your business at the same time…

VIPB0nus6: FB Audience Builder (Value $1264)

This will help you build a super targeted Facebook audience for your campaigns by collecting and extracting user data (Name & ID) from any post on Facebook pages, groups, events and save data to a TXT file, Imagine Scraping up to a million results at once, export as TXT, then boost your campaigns while save time and m0ney looking for the perfect audience.

VIPB0nus7: SociTracker (Value $1198)

This is an online social tracking tool that gives you the extraordinary ability to track your social activities from an unlimlted social networks accounts ( Including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Tumblr ) including day by day tracking, premium accounts, top lists, favorites system and a beautiful and complex admin panel that you can manage the whole website with. It also comes with a Paypal and Stripe payment gateway so that your users can purchase benefits from your website.

VIPB0nus8: Pinbook  (Value $1598)

PinBook is a pretty cool application designed for brands those want to have more fans on their pages and boost users engagement while Increasing Pinterest followers by introducing your Facebook fans to your Pinterest boards.

Add a preview of your Pinterest Dashboard on your Facebook Page and share your discoveries, collections and projects with your fans. Easily track and export exactly how many fans are viewing and liking your Boards.

VIPB0nus9: Trafflc Hover (Value $1222)

This combines all of the web’s most popular social services into one easy to use software plugin. Trafflc Hover allows you to quickly and easily add hover-over social buttons to your images on-the-fly making them “shareable” on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

Even better, the hover effects are silky smooth, cross browser, and come with multiple overlay images! More Shares = More Trafflc = More $$$$

VIPB0nus10: Viral Source Review Pack (Value $1382)

If you are doing business online, you would know how important list building is...for the simple fact that by having an email list to market to as an affiliate is one of the fastest ways of making online pr0fits.

Viral Trafflc is a software builds your list without using the traditional squeeze pages. This tool uses the power of social media and Facebook notification as the push factor to send messages to the subscribers.

It is a fact that the open rate of Facebook notification is way higher than your message is seen by more subscribers than if you were to use email.

The first thing that impresses me when few tested driving this tool is that it was so easy to use. Though the process looks complicated, the dashboard of the tool makes it easy for you to prepare your campaign.

VIPB0nus11: Article List Builder

Easy To Use Software Builds Your List From Article Content In Just 3 Simple Steps! If you want to do email marketlng, chances are you will do a lot of marketing stuffs to find the right audience to optin into your squeeze page.

Well, one of those strategy that already generated results is content marketing. And inside this product is a piece of software c’alled Article List Builder that is a huge help for you to work.

To grab all of my VIPB0nuses, all you need to do is grab the Viral Lead Funnels App

To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng (Co-Founder Of WP Profitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

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