Subject: Make Your Website and Pages Interactive In Minutes


It’s 2021. Things have changed.

In the past year, Even if we weren’t confident about it at first, we have all got used to “Zooming” and “Facetiming”.

Even my mother is into it n0w!

The thing is, n0w we are comfortable with video mess'ages, voicemails, and screencasts.

Why are you still using c0ntact f0rms on your sites?

No one likes them. And don't even ge't me started on Chatbots!

When was the last time one actually helped?!

It’s time for all that to change.

The clever chaps at InterActi0n, have come up with a b'rand ne'w way f0r your customers (and your clients) to communicate with you.

Grab InterActi0n, "A B'rand Ne'w Soluti0n that AutomaticaIIy Transf0rm ANY Website Into An Interactive SaIes, L'ead & Conversion Machine With Just One SingIe Line of Code…"

[Note: Available at 0ne-Time Pr!ce with Commercial License]

Use c0upon “Launchdeal” on che'ck out to ge't 100ff lnstantly.

With InterActi0n, your customers can Ieave Video mess'ages, Voice mess'ages, and screencast videos, right from your website.

With InterActi0n, you can Transf0rm Every Site, Page, Store & Blog Into A SaIes & L'ead Machine With Just A SingIe Line Of Code.

We Have VIPB/nusPackages Today But You Need To Grab It Fast Because This B/nus Package Is ExcIusively For The

First 100 People To Grab this system Through Me Today.

VIPB1: Maxima (The Ultimate 3-in1 L'eads & Mar'keting Soluti0n)(Worth 997): Maxima Finds You Tons Of Laser Targeted Local Bus!ness L'eads That Despera'tely Needs A Website In ANY Niche In Just Seconds.

VIPB2: lncome Engine Cloud App - Worth 497

IG App Is A Brand New SoIution That Allows You To Launch Your Own Profit SaIes Engine In 60 Seconds, SELL Any Kind Of Products (i.e Physical, Digital, Software, Affiliate Offers, etc) In Any Niche & Get You UnIimited HOT Buyers Trafflc From 2.8 BiIIion Visitors. All From 1 SINGLE Dashboard.

VIPB3: Website Review, Analyzer & SEO Booster - Worth 297

lnstantly use this software to analyze websites, Identify SEO Mistakes, C’heck Site Health, Optimize Web Page Contents, & Improve Ranking.

Works for any type of websites...html, wordpress, blogs, etc - Charge $100 to help local Business analyze their website.

VIPB4: WebsiteBuilder App

An all-in-one SoIution product with ground-breaking technology to help build engaging and pr0fitable websites with total ease.

With WebsiteBuilder App, users can tap into lots of business 0pportunity and create mobile-responsive and SEO-optimized websites, blog, page and E-com sites like a profession.

WebsiteBuilder App allows users to engage and convert more of your SEO and social trafflc into brand loyalists.

VIPB5: Interactive Video Builder Cloud App

Interactive Video Builder Cloud App is a cloud-based platform that allows you to Quickly Create pr0fit generating “Interactive Videos” by letting you add interactive elements that display inside of the video for more than 11% increase in engagement and conversions than traditional videos. And this increases the likelihood of viewers purchasing.

Add CTA’s to your Videos, Add Quizzes and Polls to Videos, Add Optin Forms to Videos, Add Videos to Videos, Add Slides to Videos, Add Countdown Timers to Videos, Add Buttons to your Videos, Add Texts to Videos, Add Logos to Videos, Add Images to Videos, Add File Download to Videos, Add HTML Embed to Videos, Add Maps to Videos.

VIPB6: Whitelabel License - Brand New Drag'n'Drop Page Builder

Start selling your own a’ccess to the brand new cutting edge drag n drop page builder. Comes with 20 templates, account management, custom domain hosting, payment processing and lots more. Charge your users as high as $97/month.

And It’s All Done In Just 4 Easy Steps:

Step #1: Create Your InterActi0n

Step #2: Customize Your InterActio

Step #3: Add Your InterActi0n To ANY Website, Funnel, Page, Blog or Store With Just One SingIe Line Of Code!

Step #4: Ge't More SaIes, Pr0fits & Interacti0ns.

=> Che'ck out the Demo Video to Kn0w More about InterActi0n!

InterActi0n Is Loaded With Features That Will Sa've Time And Boost Your Pr0fits With No Tech Skills Needed:

[+]Helps To Drive More SaIes & L'eads.

[+]Integra'te With ANY Websites or Builder (CIickFunnel, Sh0pify, Wordpress, HTML Websites, etc).

[+]Create Your Own Custom Interactive Widgets In MINUTES

[+]Capture Multiple Interactive Voice Mails, Video Mess'ages & Screen Recordings on Your Website

[+]Create Multiple Widgets

[+]Embed Widgets On Multiple Websites Using A.I Genera'ted Code

[+]Inline & Dialogue Widget Option

[+]Widget Customization

[+]3-Ways Interactive Resp0nse

[+]300 GB Media Storage Space

[+]500 GB Bandwidth

[+]Capture Longer Mess'ages & Recordings (Up To 60 Minutes Per Mess'age)

[+]Ge't Ne'w Recording/Ne'w Mess'age Email Notifications

[+]Inbox, Sent, Bookmark, & Library Management

Don't Just Hold Yourself back and G'et this Software at One-Time Low-Pr!ce T0DAY!!

=> CIick he're to lock-in your disc0unt on InterActi0n…

[Note: Available at 0ne-Time Pr!ce with Commercial License]

Use c0upon “Launchdeal” on che'ck out to ge't 100ff lnstantly.

Talk Soon
Rick Ng
(Co-Founder Of Borrowify,FunnelzPro,Videfit,Contentify,MultiSociFit,FunnelChief, Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview, Vidtags,ViralDashboard)

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