Subject: [LIVE] An aut0mated marketing software based on the cloud


I’ve already written to you to tell you that Fusedd is coming!

Well Fusedd has just gone live!

Learn More Details About Fusedd

What is Fusedd?

Fusedd is an automated marketing software based on the cloud. It automates the creation of entire marketing campaigns using the CPA Marketing method…


The thing about the CPA Method is that you don’t need to make s’ales to make m0ney. You can g’et p’aid by prospects performing acti0ns like ‘f’ree signs ups’ and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that it’s easier to make someone to ‘sign up’ for a f’ree glft than it is to make them to take their wallet out of their pocket and b’uy something…

So if you’ve tried and failed with the traditional affiliate marketing, this method should be of interest to you…

Fusedd works by building cateogory pages to promote CPA 0ffers and driving trafflc to them using Paid Ads. Ads are generated automatically by Fusedd, which is really useful if you’re new to the world of Pay Per Click…

Here’s my honest thoughts on the good, the bad and the ugly of Fusedd; the automated 3 step marketing system by Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and Nakul N.

The Good

I’ll start by saying that the guys who developed this software know commissi0n based marketing inside out. You don’t have to look far to see their names on affiliate marketing leaderboards (as top affiliates), so when you’re looking to automate the steps involved in commissi0n generation, there are few more exp people than the team of Mark, Venkata and Nakul.

The software itself automates each step of setting up CPA Affiliate Marketing campaigns. Frankly, it does each step extremely quickly and extremely well. And being based on CPA, it means you don’t have to make s’ales to make m0ney; which is extremely useful in the current economic climate.

Of course, you still need to do a bit of work (for example, you need to actually select the product you’re promoting) and you’ll need to do the basics like sign up to the CPA Network and link your paid trafflc account.

(Don’t worry, this is all super easy and training is provided. It’s a prerequisite for any commissi0n based marketing model).

But all of the technical work, i.e. category page creation, is automated by the software. Created simply by you clicking the mouse.

This means you can have commissi0n based marketing campaigns set up and making m0ney extremely quickly. It takes just minutes after you’ve set everything up to start your campaign.

Watch Fusedd Demo Video To See How It Works For You

The bad

I’ve tried to find a ‘bad’ to make this review balanced but being honest, it’s a really good software for people looking to crush aff marketing.

If I was being super critical, I’d say the 10 campaign per month limit on the standard version of Fusedd is going to limit the earnlng capability for those looking to make the BIG BUCKS…

You’re probably going to start with $10-$50 per day with this and have to work your way up to $100+ over several months…

That said, it will be ideal for most people with a regular paid trafflc budget…

If you do want to jump straight into that $100+ per day territory, you will probably need to upgrade after purchase…

BUT other than that, there’s little to report in terms of negatives. The software does what it says on the tin and works. I’ve got the commissi0n to prove it.

In Summary…

Fusedd is a fantastic marketing software that works. I’d go as far as to say that this is the b’est work of team Mark, Venkata and Nakul to date.

If you’re looking for a fast track your cpa marketing success, look no further.

Watch Demo Video Of This Platform

Here are our complementary b0nuses for you t0day:

VIPB0nus1 (Cloud-based App): Interactive Virtual App (Value $4997)

This is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Exp” For your clients.

It Gives EVERYONE the ability to EASILY showcase a 360 degree video of your business/product with interactive elements like CTAs, polls, quizzes, logo, images, buttons, texts, optin pop up, sliders, timers and much more

VIPB0nus2 (Cloud-Based App): FB Target App (Cloud-Based App) (Value $1497)

The Ground-Breaking Facebook Lead Generation Software To Automatically Churn Out The Highest Converting Interests and To Increase Your Facebook ROI by Through More Precise Market Segmentation

VIPB0nus3: RetargetApp (Cloud-Based App) (Value $1597)

Increase Your Exposure to All of Your 0ffers & Dramatically Boost S’ales by Following Your Visitors All Over The Web.

It allows you to add a retargeting pixel to ANY of your tracking links whether you own the website it points to or not!

Works with any online campaign which helps to setup in less than 20 seconds!

Promote 3rd party 0ffers AND retarget them. Retarget people landing on your Amazon pages, CPA 0ffers, affiliate 0ffers, YouTube videos, T-shirt s’ales pages or any other site you can think of.

VIPB0nus4: (Cloud-Based App)  Social Mobi Videos (Value $1597)

A next-generation video app that runs on FB, Web and mobile from one link, using this smart URL technology.

VIPB0nus5: (Cloud-Based App) Social Surveys (Value $1527)

Social Survey Is the brand new, cloud-based survey, lead generation, lead capture and customer feedback that completely blows every other survey app out the water.

You have video surveys, audio surveys, voice recording functions, logic based questions and a lot more.

VIPB0nus6: (Cloud-Based App) Vsource (Value $1497)

New Ground-Breaking Software Legally Steals Other Peoples Trafflc While Simultaneously Creating Commissi0n Sucking Affiliate Sites from Other Peoples Content In Minutes

VIPB0nus7(Cloud-Based App) VidSkippy (Value $1497)

A ground breaking, newbie friendly, cloud based software that enables you to utilise other people's videos and websites in order to generate lncome. This software legally Hijacks Other Peoples Videos & Websites to Sell Anything In Minutes

How To Claim My VIPB0nuses: All You Need To Do Is Grab The Brand-New Software Above + 1 Upgrade

Not Only that, but to help you start quickly, I’ve included 100 platinum b0nuses:

1.Lead Capture Pro

2. Facebook  Photo Contest

3. Instashop

4. WP Analyzer

5. LinkedIn Auto Post Machine (Multi Account License & Whitelabel)

6. WPMail Engine

7. Premier Widgets

8. Infographics and List Maker - iList Pro

9. WP WebTransformer

10. WPMultiCommissi0n

11. WPArtificial Intelligence Assistant

12. Ad Overlay Anything

13. FB Trafflc Hack:

14. FB Trafflc Enigma

15. Trafflc Titan

16. Easy Pr0fit Secrets

17. 6 Minute Pr0fits

18. iGramMachine

19. PictuMatic - Image hosting, editing and sharing

20. Envato Affiliate Site Creator

21. FB Viral and Marketing Social App

22. MovieMart - Movies and TV Shows Affiliate Script

23. VistorsTracker

24. SiteClone Machine

25. Viralist - Viral lists script with Facebook App

26. Dynamic Flip Book

27. SupremeBuilder

28. SharpShopify Plugin

29. G+ Tool Box

30. Pinmarketer

31. SiteAnalyzer

32. TweetBox

33. FB & Promo Builder

34. FB Page Analytics:

35. FB Page Manager:


37. FB Viral Box

38. Viral Quiz Machine

39. FB TNT - Trending Now Trafflc

40. Seo studio


42. WP Facebook Apps Creator

43. Reviewer WordPress Plugin

44. FB Live Voter

45. FB Live Chat System

46. Viral Soci Sharer & Locker

47. Auto Content Machine

48. Woocommerce e-store Builder

49. FB Viral Turbo Machine

50. I’nstant Affiliate Shopping Search Engine

51. WP Udemy Plugin

52. Esty shop app

53. YT Video Importer

54. Instagram Feed Gallery — WordPress Instagram Plugin

55. Any Website Cloner

56. Share-subscribe-contact-aio-Widget

57. SEO Analyzer (This Saves you hours of painstaking SEO analysis – this is where your trafflc comes from)

58. Vidbackground (Quality Html5 video & youtube background)

59. SEO Scanner

60. Video Share

61. Pinterest Trafflc Automator

62. Trafflc Manager (manage your website trafflc from one dashboard)

63. WP Ninja List Builder

64. ShareBang

65. Facebook Auto Reply & Bulk Private Message Sender

66. Facebook Comments Multiple users, Multiple pages comments scheduler and messenger auto poster script

67. WooMotiv - WooCommerce Social Proof Notifications - Increases Conversion Rates

68. LeadEngagr

69. WP AutoSpinner

70. WP TotalPoll

71. WPArtificial Intelligence Assistant

72. WPMultiCommissi0n - all in one plugin for Affiliate, Prlce Comparison, D’eal sites

73. WP WebTransformer

74. Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

75. WP HashBar Pro

76. WooCommerce Product Options

77. Exit 0ffer for eCommerce

78. eCommerce WD – eCommerce shopping cart plugin

79. WP-eCommerce shop to Facebook

80. VideoEngage

81. Soci Buzzinar

82. Video SlideShow Maker

83. Advance Screen Recorder And Video Trimmer

84. Simple Link Directory Pro

85. Newsomatic - Automatic News Post Generator Plugin for WordPress

86. Portfolio Gallery - WordPress Portfolio Plugin

87. Woocommerce 360 degrees and video product viewer

88. Simple Adsense for Wordpress plugin

89. WP Notifier

90. Smart Timeline Creator - Create Own Timelines

91. YouTube SiteRobot: Automatically Stream Videos by Any Topic

92. emarketo script

93. Web Creator for Mobile

94. Soci Campaign Booster

95. Collective Analysis Sell

96. PHP Auctions Script

97. 100,000+ Premium Royalty F’ree Images For your Website

98. Rapid Website Design with Bootstrap

99. PageZon

100. Bulk Blaster

Learn More Details About The Software + Grab Our VIP + General B0nuses

 To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng (Co-Founder Of WP Profitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

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