Subject: How Does eduPay Work Exactly + 2 Cloud-Based B0nuses Added


I’m certain that the eduPay platform I introduced today will become one of those permanent tools for you.

In fact, I’m so confident that once you work with this eduPay platform you see the genuine results - you won’t even consider giving it back…

If you yet check my email, here is the thing:

This new web app creates and hosts an entire e-learning site just like Udemy, Skillshare or Coursera for you (complete with Google traffic + Courses) + You have quality “original content” posted to your site (ultra relevant to your niche) every day + You have “fully done for you” high quality multi-part video courses (a bunch of courses to begin with and new courses added automatically each week

So How Does It Work Exactly?

With edUpay, the vendor has listed all the courses on your site as products on the WarriorPlus payment platform.

So all you need to do is apply as an affiliate for each course on your site. The vendor then auto-approves you at 1oo% c0mmissions for each course.

Then after that you receive ALL the m0ney from any sales, direct into your W+ wallet or Paypal account.

No need to worry about setting up a shopping c’art. No need to worry about product delivery, no need to worry about customer support. The vendor has taken care of it all for you.

And don’t worry if you don’t have a WarriorPlus account yet, creating one is easy, f’ree and takes seconds. And of course full training on how to do is provided.


Learn More Details About eduPay

Another thing:

All edupay sites rank on google….Let me explain how:

eduPay platform creates and posts original content to your site for you every day.

It gives Google exactly what it wants. It gives your visitors what they want.

edUpay does all the hard work so you don’t have to.

After all:

Setting up a great e-learning site used to be really hard. but with edupay it’s  easy

-No need to create any courses.

-No need to create any content.

-No need to setup a shopping c’art or payment processing system.

​-No need to do any customer support.

​-No need to pay any hosting costs.

​-No more struggling trying to work out how you will ever make m0ney online.

-EdUpay makes everything so EASY in one simple web based platform

Watch eduPay Demo Video

In addition to 6VIP CloudBased App + 19 General B0nuses, today I add another 2 Cloud-based bonuses for you:

VIPB0nus7 (Cloud-Based App): StoryKing (Value $2768)

StoryKing Is The Only Software You Will Need To Create Attention-Grabbing Stories.

StoryKing is designed primarily to increase your Business, Sales, Traffic, Conversion through stories

-Beat Your Competition With Videos That Stand Out

-Boost Engagement And Conversions

-Create Facebook Video Ads, Instagram Video Posts, Video Tweets That Get Noticed In Minutes...

-Fully Cloud Based And Mobile Responsive

-Make Your Videos Stand Out And Capture Your Audience’s Imagination

VIPB0nus8: (Cloud-Based App): VideoAdsPro (Value $2832)

Boost Your Business With Square Video Using VideoAdsPro

-Take Up More Real Estate On Your Viewer’s Social Media Feeds By Creating Square Videos

My previous email + my b0nuses:

VIPB0nus 1 (Cloud-Based Software): Academy Learning Management System (Value $4997)

Academy is a marketplace software for online learning. Here students and teachers are combined together for sharing knowledge through a structured course-based system. Teachers or instructors can create an u’nlimited number of courses, video lessons and documents according to their expertise and students can enroll in these courses and make themselves skilled anytime and from anywhere.

So start selling your courses by installing ACADEMY and make your online business today.

Core Features: Advanced course manager, drag and drop lesson organizer, public instructor, instructor dashboard, student dashboard, intuitive course player, course progress, course video resume, quizzes, section and lessons, course purchase report, student, instructor messaging, course filter, course whilst, shopping cart, multi theme support, multiple language support, and mane more.

VIPB0nus 2 (Cloud-Based Software): Monetized URL Shortener (Value $1997)

This is a GDPR compliant. E’arn m0ney by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like adfly, ouo(.)io, linkshrink(.)net or shorte(.)st clone scripts! Allow members to shorten links & e’arn m0ney, and keep a share of the pr0fit. Monetized URL Shortener (MUS) includes publishers who are creating short links and advertiser who are creating campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation ready, PayPal, Stripe, Payza, Skrill, Bitcoin(Coinbase – CoinPayments), WebM0ney, Perfect M0ney, PAYEER, M0ney Wallet & Bank Transfer integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!

VIPB0nus 3 (Cloud-based app): SocialFomo App (Value $2997)

SocialProofo is an app to create FOMO, Social Proof, Engage and keep your website visitors.

The cost to run campaigns like these round up to $500/year from other companies.

Why would you want to pay $50+/month for a service like this when you can have it as a b0nus today?

Save more than $500+ a year by choosing SocialFomo App

VIPB0nus 4 (Cloud-Based App) Instagram Auto-Tool (Value $1789)

This is the Automation IG tool for Instagram Direct Message (It’s legit, not like other auto-IG tools)

-Publish or schedule any content on your feed or stories directly from the browser.

- you can chat without touching your device and chat with your customers directly from the browser.

-Send emoji, receive messages, posts, stories, videos and any type of attachments!

-Send messages to yours followers or any list of users!

-Automate your daily routine and enjoy your SMM strategy. This app is intended for the SMM manager or any owner of the page on Instagram who wants to send messages to his new followers, unfollowers, following or even unfollowing automatically.

VIPB0nus5 (Cloud-Based App): Social Marketing Tool (Value $3997)

Manager and post your social networking site quickly and save time.

-Scheduling and Automation: Select your date, time or whenever you want to publish on each your social accounts

-Multi-Languages: SMT is a fully multilingual, you can select the language you want and translate in to any language easily.

- Easy to install and use, mobile responsive UI

-Post Now and Scheduled posts

-Multi Social Media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc…)

-Facebook: auto post, schedule post media, link, text to all Facebook pages, groups

-Instagram: auto post, schedule post video, image, stories and carousel to all Instagram accounts

-Twitter: auto post, schedule post video, image, text to all Twitter accounts

-Automatic Image resize to match Instagram’s aspect ratios (Almost for every images)

-Upload media to post

-Import the media (images, videos) from Cloud Drives (Dropbox, Google Drive)

-Export profiles, page, friends, groups to CSV, Excel, PDF file (Just available with Facebook)

VIPB0nus 6 (Cloud-based App): Click and Bank + Reseller Rights (Value $5997)

You may wonder that creating a website is basically not difficult, even for people who do not know anything because WordPress has templates and it is completely f’ree.

However, the key here is that you need SEO skills, on-page optimization, keyword research related to the product. If you want to make m0ney with Clickbank, your articles must be on the top of the Google page so that when customers search, they will see your website first.

Sound knotty, right? Well, with Click and Bank, everything has been done for you. Signing up is the only thing you have to do. After that, this tool will create the automated google ranking website that monetizes using Clickbank 0ffers

Here is how to claim my 6 VIPCloud-Based App B0nus: Make a tiny investment on this platform + 1 Upgrade. The instruction to claim these b0nuses are available inside your W+ Portal.

My General B0nuses (Value$997):

1.       I’nstant Success Site

2.       WP Auto Ranker

3.       Fan Automater

4.       Paymember

5.       Videoprofiteer

6.       social traffic machine

7.        WP Video Ace Plugin

8.       FB Live Marketing

9.       FB Remarket 2 Made Easy

10.   Facebook Fanpage Tips

11.   Facebook Live Authority

12.   Facebook Ads Domination

13.   Video Ads Made Easy

14.   Authority Traffic

15.   Video  Marketing  Made Easy

16.   Youtube Ads Made Easy

17.   Modern Video Marketing

18.   Youtube Celebrity

19.   Youtube Video Mastery

Learn More Details About This Platform + Grab My 6VIPCloud-Based App + 19 General Premium B0nuses


To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng From AnimatioX

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