Subject: [Gift – Cloud-based Software] Social Proof and FOMO Notifications for Your Website


Here is the thing today:

Have you ever used social proof or FOMO notifications on your websites/landing pages?

Social proof can be a way to lncrease conversions by showing customers/visitors how popular a product or service is.

Today I’d like to g’iveaway a software that allows you to do it.

This cloud-based software is to create FOMO, Social Proof, Engage and keep your website visitors.

The cost to run campaigns like these round up to $500/year from other companies.

Why would you want to pay $50+/month for a service like this when you can use my glft today?

Here are some campaigns that you can create with my software:

- Informational: Fully customizable informational message for your users.

- C0upon: The b’est way to let your users know that you are running a s’ale.

- Live Counter: Show your visitors how many people are on your site to create more trust.

- Email Collector: Easily collect emails and generate leads from your users.

- Latest Conversion: Establish social proof by displaying your most recent conversions on your site.

-Conversions Counter: Establish social proof by showing how many recent conversions you've got.

-Video:Easily display a small widget with an informative YouTube video.

-Social Share:Let others share your content and generate more traffic for you.

-Random Review: Display a random review/testimonial from your clients to create social proof.

-Emoji Feedback:An interactive way for your users to give you feedback about your site.

-Cookie Notification: Notify your users that you are using cookies on your site.

-Score Feedback: The easiest way for your users to give you a score feedback.

I personally think this software is something we all need for our business.

If you’re interested in using this product, just reply this email and I personally send the login detail + tutorial to you.


To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng From AnimatioX

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