Subject: (F’ree Training) How to Build Your First 1k Email List Without Stress - Step By Step


Take a look at this number…

 … 11,745 Leads From 1,092 Visitors In 15 Days

 Now, this is something you don’t see everyday… Our friend, Ifiok (a 7 figure

marketer & coach) shared this with us as the result from a new lead generation

system that he discovered recently…

 … He g0t this result without spending a dime on Ads - just a simple 2 step system.

 Why Are We Telling You This?

 It’s because we’ve invited him for a SPEClAL live class to teach some of our

customers how to replicate his results in their online business

 The date is Sept 19th at 10 AM EST

 … The plan is for 200 persons only.

 >> Secure your Seat Now

 As we mentioned earlier, Ifiok is a 7 figure marketer & online business coach. He successfully runs a multi-milli0n d0llar online business that’s generated over $4M in revenue & serving over 40k customers in 47 countries around the world.

 In this live class he’s going to reveal his secret for building a successful online

business from scratch.

 … Speclfically, his unconventional system for building quality leads online

 Hands down, this is a training you don’t want to miss…

 The b’est part is that his new system doesn’t require you to do all

of the hard stuffs that we usually see in list building

 No need to create lead magnets

No need to build opt-in pages

No trafflc

No need to write swipes & email sequences

 … It goes on & on.

 This new system completely doesn’t have the hard work & hassles for you. 

 Just imagine what it will be like to be able to turn a few hundred people who 

land on your website to thousands of quality leads, effortlessly.

 >> Secure your Seat Now.

 Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learn in this live class;

-What are Viral Loops and how you can use them to EXPLODE your results & how to set it up in minutes even if you have zero technical skills, coding, or exp.

-Case study: 11,745 subscribers from 1,902 visitors in 15 days (dissected live)

-The ‘ELEVEN Secret Elements’ of an irresistible viral lead funnel (and how to make your funnel check off each of these 11 boxes in 5 mins...)

-Inside look at the brand-new breakthrough viral software that powers everything

-And much more…

 To make it better;

 When you sign up for this class, you stand a chance of WlNNING tons of

b0nuses & cool PRlZES.

 -10 F.R.E.E Copies of the Magic software that powers EVERYTHING.

 -10 webinar attendees will WlN $100 cash GlVEWAY each.

 -B0nuses Available ONLY on the Webinar ($1,250 Retail Value).

 -A’ccess to clone our 'copy & paste' Viral Funnels (Only on the Webinar) 

Plus… you also get f’ree a’ccess to our 40 page eBook (jam packed with actionable marketing hacks, examples & case studies).

 Hurry up & save your seat for this live training…

 The date is 19th of Sept at 10 AM EST.

 … The plan is for 200 persons only.

 >> Hurry Up! Register for The Live Class!

To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng (Co-Founder Of WP Profitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

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