Subject: EffortIessly Turn Any Old Boring Video Into lnteractive Pr0fit-Beast


What if you could turn ANY boring, dull video into an exciting, engaging video that contains interactive elements built INSIDE of the video.

Yes that’s right… Not outside of the video, but directly inside.

Presenting: VidPrime allows you to step up your video m’arketing game with the help of powerful interactive elements. These allow you to boost engagement, cIicks, Ieads, and saIes AT AN ONE-TIME PRlCE

VidPrime Features:

[+]Start Building Your List By Adding Optin F0rms Directly Inside Your Videos

[+]Process P’ayments Directly Inside The Video

[+]CoIIect F’eedback From Your Audience With Quizzes And Polls

[+]Boost Conversions With CaII To Acti0n Buttons Inside Your Videos

[+]Embed And Share Anywhere

[+]Add Text, Logos, Images, And Even AdditionaI Video Clips

[+]Drive Traff!c Rolling In By Blasting To 2B Visitors In 1 CIick

[+]Build In Sc’arcity Inside The Videos With Customizable Countdown Timers

[+]Add File Downloads Directly Inside Any Video You Want

[+]Add Maps To Your Videos (Helpful For Local Marketers)

[+]UnIimited Video Hosting (No Domain, Hosting Required)

[+]UnIimited Interactive Videos For Better Engagement and Conversions

=>Watch VidPrime Software By Yourself

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My MEGASpeciaI B0nus


B1: VideoBlast App

The World’s Most Powerful Trafflc Software That Creates DFY Video’s & Blasts Them 100+ Trafflc Sources In 1-CIick...

Step-By-Step Video Tutorials: The included video training teaches you how to take the fr”ee b”uyer trafflc you g”et with VideoBlast App.

B2: Video AI Maker App

Artificial Intelligence video builder to convert any website into a stunning video. Build stunning videos with N0 technical exp to drive trafflc, s’ales and results!

Turn any Amazon, Sh0pify pages or Websites/blogs into stunning videos.

B3: Animated Video Creator App

Create unIimited animation videos without technical skills and video editing skills.

It provides 50+ layers to create artw0rk and animation of any complexity. Choose from various layer types: geometric, gradients, filters, distortions, transf0rmations and others.

B4:StoryKing App

The OnIy Software You Will Need To Create Attenti0n-Grabbing Stories.

StoryKing is designed primarily to lncrease your Bus!ness, SaIes, Trafflc, Conversion through stories

B5: 1 CIick Video Creator

Create pr0fitable videos for: video saIes letters, explainer videos, training videos, affiliate video reviews and more.

Simply import your audio or choose from 10 backing tracks, then customize the 100 plus in-built animations and export your video.

B6: WhiteLabel Rights To Searchable Social Media St0ck App

1000+ Animated Video (GIF), 1000+ Static Video (PNG), 1000+ Animated Video (MOV) , 200+ PPT Video Templates, 2000+ HQ Audio Tracks, 18k+ Video Vector Designs, 700 Animated Elements, 2 Milli0n St0ck Images, In-Built Image Editor, 8000 Animated background, 10,000+ Audio Tracks, 100 Emojis, 1000+ SpeciaI Effects Sounds, 3000+ Mesmerizing Audio Loops

=>Grab VidPrime App Along With Our B0NUSES

B7: inter@ctive Virtual App

Create 360 degree video of your bus!ness/pr0duct with inter@ctive elements like CTAs, polls, quizzes, logo, images, buttons, texts, optin pop up, sliders, timers and much more

B8: ContentApp App

This app makes it easy to find, customize and publish relevant, high-impact content to multiple blogs, websites, and social media simultaneously… without the typical hassles of writing content from scratch or p’aying a writer to do it

B9: Hijackrr App

A software that enables you to utilise other people's videos and websites in 0rder to gener’ate lncome.

This software legally Hijacks Other Peoples Videos & Websites to SeII Anything In Minutes

B10: NextWeb App: Next-Level Website builder With 1000+ DFY Templates & Live Editor To Your 0rder & Make 3X More Pr0fits

B11: Web Conversion Builder

Skyrocket Conversions & lncrease Growth. 52 notifications were created & customized by our users. lncrease your website's growth by using our notification widgets.

B12: Booking Software - Multi-Bus!ness Service Booking Software

Smart booking tool to grow your online bus!ness

Simplifies appointment booking, helping you to manage bus!ness in a smart way.

B13: Text to Speech app (Turn Any Text into human-like voiceovers)

=>Grab VidPrime App Along With Our B0NUSES




Rick Ng
(Co-Founder Of QUlZZIFY,B.anklify,Videlify,Borrowify,FunnelzPro,Videfit,Contentify,MultiSociFit,FunnelChief, Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, V0icePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview, St0ckJam,ViralDashboard,VidTags,Motvio,MusicMan)

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