Subject: Cancel Designer…


You W0N’T believe what I managed to sec’ure for you.

As most online marketers (myself included) you’re probably p’aying ridiculously high f-ees per design when you visit online design apps out there.

Just take a look:

-LogoJoy: 67/Design

-Tailor: 69.99/Month

-Logo Crisp: 89/Month

-SmashingLogo: 59/Design

What about purchasing images from a st0ck site such as Shutterst0ck?

Shutterst0ck’s lowest plan c0sts 49 d0llars monthly and that onIy g’ets you 10 images a month.

It’s not enough for anyone.

50 images is 125 d0IIars monthly

750 images is 249 d0IIars monthly

You see, the PRlCE becomes exorbitant if you need lots of images, which we all do.

DesignP is different.

WHAT? Enterprise-level design app for a low one-time f-ee.

Yes,This Software Helps You Easily Create & SeII Gorgeous Designs, Logos, Banners, and High End Creatives Perfect For Any Design Need in 60 Seconds

=>Watch n More Details About DesignP and See How It Has N0 Competitors

BasicaIIy, what DesignP has:

-Low One-time f-ee

-Create & Edit Graphics, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ Posts, Ads & Headers, YouTube Channel Art And A Lot More Within Seconds

-Designing Tool Built For Marketers, Bloggers And Website Owners Who Have No Designing And Technical Skills For Operating Complicated Tools Like Ph0tosh0p, Canva Etc.

-Advanced Features Like Layering Allow You To Create Jaw-Dropping Graphic Designs Making Your Website And Social Media Ads And Posts An lnstant Hit

Built-In Library Includes Th0usands Of Professionally Designed Pre-Installed Themes, Images And Templates

-Make Th0usands Of D0llars In Pure Pr0fits By SeIIing These Graphic Designs

And all you need to do is follow these 3 steps:

Step1: SeIect A Template Or An Empty Canvas

Step2: Type in the keyword and edit the template This is where the AI comes into play.

Step3: S’ave, d0wnload and print your designs

=>Watch DesignP Demo Video And Grab It At Low 1-Time F-ee T0day

It doesn’t ST0P there, These are my complimentary b0nuses that you can keep using for yourself forever if you make a tiny lnvestment on this app. You can grab these b0nuses from your W+ portal.

B0nus1: 50k Fresh MMO B”uyer List

The MMO emaiI list from my team, which will help you to build your long-term bus!ness. (This is unique, not duplicated to any list I sent you before) 1oo% tier-1, low b0unce r-ate (captured via optin and it is cleaned)

B0nus2: Interactive Virtual App

This is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Exp” For your clients.

It Gives EVERYONE the ability to EASILY showcase a 360 degree video of your pr0duct with interactive elements like CTAs, polls, quizzes, logo, images, buttons, texts, optin pop up, sliders, timers and much more

B0nus3: SiphonFit App

A groundbreaking software that enables you to utilize other people's videos and websites in 0rder to gener’ate lncome. This software legally Hijacks Other Peoples Videos & Websites to SeII Anything In Minutes

B0nus4: DesignApp App

Include 10 tools: page builder, Graphics Designer, Logo Creator, Ecover Creator, Mockup Creator, Scene Creator, St0ck Explorer, Flexible Images, eBook Creator, Video to GIF Creator.

B0nus5: Intro-Outro Video App

It has Dozens Of Premium Template Designs At Your Fingertips, You'll Be Able To Easily Create World Class, High Converting Intro And Outro Videos.

B0nus6: ChatBot App

Create different kinds of chatbots with an aim to grabs your visitors attenti0n on a personal, emotional human-level so they p’ay attenti0n and b’uy from you.

You Will Be Able To Quickly And Easily Create artificial intelligence-Boosting: Inpage Bots,Chat Bots, Modal Bots, Video Bots

B0nus7: eCom Video Ads Builder App

Creates stunning ecom video ads from any pr0duct description with a cIick of the mouse

Users can use over 5,000+ professional-quality DFY videos for use in any niche

Built-in drag and drop editor makes it easy to customize any video for lncreased conversions

Also, You can use 100 video clips that are ready to use by customizing text, adding your own logo, render and then publish across the top four social media netw0rks

B0nus8: ClikB’ank Pr0fits App

The Software Creates DFY M0ney Sites in Lucrative Niches, and Gener’ates You Trafflc From 9 Viral Sources.

B0nus9: ReseIIer Rights To St0ckDesign

Get Your Hands on a Massive Assortment of 60,000+ HD Images, 2,500+ Cut-Out People's Images, 8,000+ HD Videos, 25,000 Vector Graphics, 8k GIFS, 3,000 HD Audio Files, 110,000 Media GraphicsFor Less than you Would P’ay for just a SingIe ONE

-Other General B0nuses:

Website Pouch Pro

ReseIIers Rights to Upto 100 Ready-Made Niche Blogs

Affiliate System For Pr0duct Owners

PinMarketer App

Affiliate M’arketing Thrive

Keyword Research Ninja 2.0 App

Email Pr0fits F0rmula

Article Analyzer App

Backlinks Warrior Software

Iead Generation Authority Gold

Facebook M’arketing Made Easy

WP In-Content Popup Pro

WP Video Focus

WP Facebook Quiz Creator

WP Email Timer Plus License

SociUltima App

ViddoHub App

Auto Content Machine

WP Instagram Auto Poster

GramSuite App

FB Live Chat System

Video Biz In A Box

SEO Agency Turnkey Kit

Video Agency Turnkey Kit

Web Design Agency Turnkey Kit

Web Conversion Videos

100 Mobile Web Templates

VideoPRO App

VideoShare App

YTubeLytics App

SmartPanel App

50. LinkPress Pro App

ARF0rms App

Pr0duct Catalog F-eed

Affiliate Egg App

NotificationX App

TweetPost App

OptinSpin App

PHP Automatic SMS Scheduler

LaraMailer App

Sortable Video Embed

CountDown App

Revolution Video Player

Viral YouTube Downloader

WP Mega Menu Pro

MyArcade Plugin Pro


CB Super Affiliate Bootcamp

100 Mobile CB Website Templates

2 Minute WordPress M’embership Sites

CBPassive lncome S’uccess-Super Affiliate Str’ategy

CB Mastery Course

CB Iead Generating Videos

lnfo Pr0duct Creation Machine

FB Live M’arketing

FB Remarket 2 Made Easy

Facebook Ads Made Eas2 2.0

=>To Be Qualified For My 9 VVIPB0nuses + 57 General B0nuses, All You Need To Make A Tiny lnvestment Into This Software




Rick Ng
(Co-Founder Of QUlZZIFY,B.anklify,Videlify,Borrowify,FunnelzPro,Videfit,Contentify,MultiSociFit,FunnelChief, Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, V0icePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview, St0ckJam,ViralDashboard,VidTags,Motvio,MusicMan)

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