Subject: Advanced Spinner Software B0NUS


Everyone is craving about Zappr - A software that allows you to create fresh content in seconds...with this software you'll be able to turn any video into text content for your sites, find and publish videos, find and publish articles and also you get access to a fully integrated spinner that will make all your content fresh and unique

As you know Google and other search engines love unique content.

I’ll be giving you advanced spinner software as a new b0nus today. This new b0nus will be a perfect combo when working with Zappr.

This advanced spinner software Saves your lot of time and money, it takes single or bulk articles/posts on your site and converts into unique human readable quality articles that will help you better rank in google search results

This advanced spinner software Rewrites the posts automatically converting it into a unique article by replacing words and phrases by its synonyms automatically and manually.

Learn More Details About Zaprr and Grab My New B0nus

This b0nus will be Available only to the customers who will purchase Zaprr before midnight EST

Don't worry if you have already purchased Zaprr you will see it in the W+ portal.

but in case you haven't checked Zaprr, you have only 24 hours to grab this b0nus app.

My Previous EmaiI:

Main Features:

[+]Turn Any Video Into Content: Zappr comes with turn video into content technology, quickly add any video URL and turn them into fresh content for your site!

[+]Find & Publish Videos: Find videos in any niche and post video content into your site too, this allow you to create video sites in a few minutes

[+]Find & Publish Articles: It has database of articles (1000s of articles in 60+ niches), including health, wealth, dating, make money online, SEO, real estate, internet marketing, fitness and much more!

[+]Fully Integrated Spinner

It integrated a full spinner, meaning you can turn ANY content into unique, fresh content to your sites ( you don’t need to pay more for spinner)

[+]UnIimited Sites License

Learn More Details About Zappr

I’ve compiled 100 VIPb0nus package for you today.

Click Here To Check My VIPB0nus Package


To Be Your 0nline Success
Rick Ng
(Co-Founder Of Videfit,Contentify,MultiSociFit,FunnelChief, Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

You can find these b0nuses inside your W+ portal.

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