Subject: [3 Cloud-Based B0NUSES Added] Some Ways To PR0FIT With AcademyzPresso


AcademyzPresso went live -  This software allows you to Launch Your Own E-learning Business just like Udemy, Coursera, Teachable & Other Billi0n Dollar Companies

Using & Pr0fiting From AcademyZPresso Is As Easy As 1-2-3

Step 1:Create Your Academy

Step 2:Build Your E-Learning Business Without Doing Any Of The Work Yourself

Step 3: Pr0fit For A Long Time To Come

We added 3 new b0nuses which are all cloud-based apps so you can combine with AcademyzPresso to run your online business:

New B0nus1: RankZPresso Cloud-App

RankZPresso is a 7-in-1 cloud-hosted software which helps users rank their videos completely autopilot with zero manual work. With RankZPresso, ranking your video in Youtube or Google is easier.

It includes ground-breaking tools to generate your video via title, description, tags or profitable keyword ideas.

In addition, RankZPresso provides users with trending videos finder to find what is working now, video rank checker to spy on the competition and gather intelligence from them and automatic backlinks builder the ultimate weapon for g"uaranteed ranking.


New B0nus2: ShopZPresso Cloud-App

 ShopZPresso is a never-seen-before software that combines all sorts of s'ales platforms into one and lets you monetize physical products, software products, as well as licenses.

This software makes it possible for you to make your “online lncome hub” which helps you by selling anything you want and earning a huge amount of pr0fits.

New B0nus3: The Proven Cloud-App

The Proven is a Cloud-based application that generates viral trafflc 1oo% fr"ee built for beginners and professionals to generate viral trafflc.

Learn More Details About AcademyZPresso and Grab All My B0nuses

There Are SO Many Ways To Pr0fit With AcdemyZPresso:

-Sell Thousands Of Pr0fitable Courses From One Single Academy (Without Ever Having To Create One Yourself!):

AcademyZPresso allows you to sell thousands of courses in hundreds of niches without ever having to create any of themselves yourself AND receive lnstant payments.

-Keep 1oo% Of Your Leads And As Much Pr0fit As You Want! Unlike the fat cats like Udemy – when you run your own academy you will have 1oo% of the leads, 1oo% of pr0fits. And when it comes to effortlessly piggybacking off someone else’s hard work and YOU can choose how much you make – for ZERO work.

-Constantly G”et New Paying Customers:

AcademyZPresso comes with a fully built-in affiliate system just like Udemy where teachers can refer other teachers and students and make extra c0mmissions by promoting your academy to thousands of new visitors.

-G”et Unlimlted fr”ee viral Trafflc From Your Visitors:

With AcademyZPresso, you never have to pay for trafflc, all your visitors g”et a unique link to send you trafflc and the system is cleverly designed to drive you fr”ee trafflc over and over again.

 -Turn Every Customer Or Visitor Into An Affiliate Easily:

The built-in referral and affiliate system turns every customer into an affiliate giving you the chance to make extra m0ney every customer referring new b”uyers to you. This is GOLD – g”etting b”uyer trafflc for pennies and turning huge pr0fits

-Make Academy Sites For Other People And Keep 1oo% Of The Pr0fits!)

The your included commercial licence (available on this 0ffer ONLY) you can make and

create academy sites for other people and keep 1oo% of the pr0fits for yourself. And with more than 98% of businesses planning to increase their investment in E-Learning this year - you’re in a PERFECT position to be the one to 0ffer it to them, even charge a monthly retainer - and pocket 1oo% of the lnstant and recurring pr0fits.

Watch AcademyZPresso and Build Your Own E-Business

Here are my previous b0nuses:
B0nus1: Find Hidden FB Interests Cloud App (Cloud-Based App)
The Ground-Breaking Facebook Lead Generation Software To Automatically Churn Out The Highest Converting Interests and To Increase Your Facebook ROI by Through More Precise Market Segmentation

B0nus2: RetargetFit Cloud App
Increase Your Exposure to All of Your 0ffers & Dramatically Boost S”ales by Following Your Visitors All Over The Web.
It allows you to add a retargeting pixel to ANY of your tracking links whether you own the website it points to or not!
Works with any online campaign which helps to setup in less than 20 seconds!
Promote 3rd party 0ffers AND retarget them. Retarget people landing on your Amazon pages, CPA 0ffers, affiliate 0ffers, YouTube videos, T-shirt saIes pages or any other site you can think of.
Use Your Own Custom Domain By Putting A Simple Script Into Your Hosting

B0nus3: Interactive Virtual Exp App
This is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Exp” For your clients.
It Gives EVERYONE the ability to EASILY showcase a 360 degree video of your business/product with interactive elements like CTAs, polls, quizzes, logo, images, buttons, texts, optin pop up, sliders, timers and much more

B0nus4: MockUpPro Cloud App
Effortlessly Create Gorgeous Mock Up Videos That Make Your Audience Whisper ‘Wow’… LiveMock Up
Create, Capture, And Animate Mockups For Your Next Video In A Matter Of Seconds...
-No Photoshop Or Video Editing Skills Needed
-Produce High-Quality Professional Mock Up Videos In Just A Few Clicks
-Can Be Worked Via Any Platform/Browser, Including Mobile Devices
-Make Your Videos Stand Out And Capture Your Audience’s Imagination

B0nus5: SocialSurvey Cloud App
Social Surveys is Super Powerful New Software That Creates Lead Generating, List Building Micro-commitment Surveys In Less Than 5 Minutes! Social Surveys is a brand new, cloud based survey, lead generation, lead capture and customer feedback app that completely blows every other survey app out of the water

B0nus6: Rezolved App
Rezolved is a ground-breaking cloud-based software that generates high quality unique content from podcasts, Youtube, Wikipeda and other viral media sharing platforms and drive trafflc on complete autopilot with only one push of a button.
In addition, with Rezolved, users can make affiliate c0mmissions without creating content, driving paid trafflc.Generating fr”ee trafflc from high-quality content is not that complicated once you have got Rezolved in place.

B0nus7: KashzPresso
KashZPresso is the easiest and most successful cloud-bases online software, which turns any pdf into traffc and lead generation machine. The most interesting thing about KashZPresso is, for doing that conversation, you don’t need to have a website or domain hosting or anything else. You can directly build your lead list and make m0ney directly with it. Everything that you need is included with this software, it’s a complete package for you
To Be Qualified For All My VIPB0nuses, all you need to do is grab AcademyzPresso + 1 Upgrade

To Be Your Online Success
Rick Ng (Co-Founder Of Multi-Pr0fitz, WP Pr0fitent, VoicePal, AnimatioX, GlennReview)

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