Subject: (15 Copies Left For 6VIP Cloud-Based B0nuses) The software builds list for you 24/7


This is last chance for you to grab my 6VIP Cloud-Based B0nuses.

They are:

-VIPB0nus1 (Cloud-Based App): PlusAgency - Multipurpose Website CMS & Business Agency Management System (Value $1987)

-VIPB0nus 2 (Cloud-Based App): Active Ecommerce (Value $1824)

-VIPB0nus3 (Cloud-Based App): News365 (Value $1289)

-VIPB0nus4 (Cloud-Based App): LockFit (Value $1997/year)

-VIPB0nus5 (Cloud-Based App): ContentRock (Value $1782/year)

-VIPB0nus6 (Cloud-Based App): Slideshow Video App (Value $1288/y)

How To Claim These VIPB0nuses: Make a tiny investment on AgencyPress + 1 Upgrade From Me 

What Is AgencyPress?

AgencyPress is a brand new software that just went LIVE which lets you find leads, email them and sell them services all with the push of a button!

Yes - literally - click a button, get traffic & customers, make s’ales, fulfill them.

Here is the painful fact:

Most online businesses only give you a piece of the puzzle – either a way to g’et traffic, a way to promote to it, or a way to make s’ales.

That means you’re usually STUCK with figuring everything out yourself, and how to blend in different tools to get to the method that works.

Not anymore – AgencyPress is the world’s first ever fully integrated system. It finds you leads, it adds them to your email list, it lets you promote to them through the built-in autoresponder, and then it completes the delivery for you. All aut0mated. All one click away.

Imagine if minutes from now you could start sending aut0mated high-converting emails to a never-ending stream of desperate businesses looking for online services.

All aut0mated DFY traffic that never stops and is EASY to convert.

THEN – imagine if you could SELL & DELIVER exactly the services these businesses need, all with the push-of-a-button.

That’s right – an untapped 24/7 traffic stream that is easy to m0netize with just one click (and zero work for you!)

Watch AgencyPress Demo Video

Before Agencypress, you were stuck with just two terrible options...

#1 Get an autoresponder, slowly build your list and promote affiliate 0ffers

This is IMPOSSIBLE to get you fast results. It takes ages to get people on your list by yourself, there is no traction and affiliate c0mmissions pay peanuts. It’s painful and time-consuming and gets you nowhere

#2 Pay for traffic

Sure, this would work well, if you had thousands of dollars to throw away on testing and optimization until you got results. In reality, this basically stuffs the pockets of other people (and big corporations) while you get stuck in the rat race forever.

= > AgencyPress Changes All of that – getting you leads, ready-made DFY services to sell and traffic on demand.

Here’re more details about my 6 VIPB0nuses:

-VIPB0nus1 (Cloud-Based App): PlusAgency - Multipurpose Website CMS & Business Agency Management System (Value $1987)

This is a business website CMS (Content Management System). It has a powerful Admin panel where you can create & manage this business CMS.

You can create and manages services, porfolios, blogs, quotes, faq and more. It has almost all the features a business agency website has to 0ffer.

Also we have made very attractive design so that this website can attract your target visitors. So, if you are thinking to start a business or already have a business then this is the perfect business website for you. This CMS can be used for multipurpose business such as gym / fitness, restaurant, cleaning service, construction, industry / factory, chemical, company / personal / agency / freelancer portfolio , software / IT company / lawyer and many more

VIPB0nus 2 (Cloud-Based App): Active Ecommerce (Value $1824)

It allows you to build borderless marketplace web application.

-Multi Language Option

-Multi Currency Option

-Multi Color Option

-Multiple Shipping Option

-Multiple Payment Gateways:Paypal, Stripe, RazorPay, SSLCommerz, Instamojo.

-Dynamic Wallet System

-Social media Login and Sharing

-After Purchase Order Tracking System

-Smart Cart System, Easiest Checkout, Product Compare, Product Wishlist, Today’s D’eal Product, Featured Product, Customer review, Suggestional Search, Product Video Post, Dynamic Homepage

-Smart Notification: New Inhouse Order, New Seller Notification, New Seller Approval, New Sale Notification

- and a lot more.

-VIPB0nus3 (Cloud-Based App): News365 (Value $1289)

This is the complete solution for your content business.

Main Features:

Fully Dynamic News Portal System

Newsportal Magazine & Blog System

No third party comment added. we have our own comments system added

Easy to customize

Easy to post News and publish

Fully Responsive Design

20 + Advertisement Position

Bootstrap Based Design

Fresh and Clean Code

Easy News Reporter System

All Browser Support

Fully Responsive

VIPB0nus4 (Cloud-Based App): LockFit (Value $1997/year)

This cloud-based app will help you build an email list, FB messenger list or both. Create a seamless way for your prospects to opt-in to either your email or Messenger subscriber list while they’re consuming your content (instead of before, or after).

Picture leveraging every blog post, eBook, PDF and video you ever create in a way that gives your audience value and benefits your business at the same time…

VIPB0nus 5 (Cloud-Based App): ContentRock (Value $1782/year)

This app makes it easy to find, customize and publish relevant, high-impact content to multiple blogs, websites, and social media simultaneously… without the typical hassles of writing content from scratch or paying a writer to do it

VIPB0nus 6 (Cloud-Based App): Slideshow Video App (Value $1288/y)

Turn Your Photos And Video Clips Into Video Slideshows, Quickly And Easily, Perfect For Creating Company Introduction Videos, Birthday Videos, Wedding Videos.

Learn More Details About AgencyPress + Grab my 6 Extra VIPB0nuses

To Be Your Online Success

Rick Ng From AnimatioX

P.S: Follow My Instruction Inside Your W+ Portal To Claim Your B0nuses.

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