Subject: Friend, I promised you some free songs..

Firstly, a huge Thank You for coming our recent gig.

You've no idea how rewarding it is as a singer songwriter to have folks pay attention to your music when playing live - you made the experience amazing!

You may recall I told some stories about some of the songs that aren't available on CD but I'd like you to have - here they are!

Here's the one about the dolphin story:!OcsjECaI!EQ_gLM7kKRov61xhczYiUCNc9YQDMrQggzctK7yRsuk

Here's the one we wrote for the Eastern European night club:!3MlxyQxD!AAKo6VdCx4tAD-ahKJrxyh0uur_zx00IXuo91CThegc

Here's the one about Sophia ('Lady Wisdom'):!2V1gDRQY!yGaJSbBsa0QFBJppmUV--_3CEo5rETIzvQBXljBYGI4

I hope you enjoy them.

Cheers - Andy

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