Subject: New Jersey, Alabama, Tennessee & Georgia - Hello!

New Jersey, Alabama, Tennessee & Georgia - Hello!

February 14th, 2018 at 11:40 pm IST

Friend, My fancy pants email newsletter system tells me that you are in or near one of the above states (I hope that's correct or else the rest of this email is redundant!). I’m going to be travelling with a bunch of other Celtic artists and musici ...

Friend Do you still listen to CDs?

February 7th, 2018 at 11:39 pm IST

I have a CD I'd like to send you, but first a quick update.In a couple of weeks I'll be back in the USA.To be more precise; New Jersey, Alabama, Nashville and Atlanta from 24th Feb - 6Th March.Four Celtic worship artists (Brian Houston, Allan McKinla ...

Re: Friend Do you still listen to CDs?

February 6th, 2018 at 4:53 pm IST

My humble apologies, there was a glitch on the free CD shipping form (thank you to the folks who pointed it out!)It's working now Click here to get it now.Here's the original email:Friend, I'd love to send you a complimentary copy of the Cave Session ...

Friend Do you still listen to CDs?

February 5th, 2018 at 4:03 pm IST

I have a CD I'd like to send you, but first a quick update.In a couple of weeks I'll be back in the USA.To be more precise; New Jersey, Alabama, Nashville and Atlanta from 24th Feb - 6Th March.Four Celtic worship artists (Brian Houston, Allan McKinla ...