Subject: Less than 24 hours to go: Your last Chance for Cave Sessions Rewards!

Less than 24 hours to go: Your last Chance for Cave Sessions Rewards!

October 9th, 2014 at 9:26 pm IST

Hi Friend, I hope you're well. Just a quick heads up that in less than 24 hrs the unique Kickstarter rewards for The Cave Sessions* will close! On Friday at 8pm UK time the opportunity to get unique pre-launch versions of the recordings plus extras w ...

The Cave Sessions: less than 100 hours to go...

October 7th, 2014 at 1:01 am IST

Hi Friend, In less than 100 hours The Cave Sessions* Kickstarter campaign will close. I'm almost there with the funding and I've sweetened the pot with additional rewards for all the pioneering, 'early adopters' (if you've already pledged then that's ...

Friend, Can I ask a quick favour?

September 30th, 2014 at 3:13 pm IST

Are you on FaceBook, Twitter or other social media?Would you mind sharing this for me?'s a link to my KickStarter project for The Cave Sessions (a live recording in an Irish cave).You'd really be helping me out - Thank You Muc ...

Howdy Friend! Singing in a cave - will it work?

September 16th, 2014 at 7:26 pm IST

I wanted you to be amongst the first to hear about "The Cave Sessions". 3000 years ago a Middle Eastern, musician wrote songs while on-the-run hiding out in caves. His lyrics survived and we are recording them in an Irish cave! You can see the video ...

Friend, a live recording from an Irish cave...

June 20th, 2014 at 12:33 am IST

I did a really interesting test this week. You may have heard me talk about doing a live recording and video from a cave. Well yesterday we got to test the idea and it turned out better than expected. We (Joanne Hogg and I) took a video camera and so ...

Hi Friend, "Never meet your heroes"...

May 1st, 2014 at 5:16 pm IST

At least that's what they say. The theory is that you'll be disappointed because they never match up to your expectations! But with any 'rule' there are exceptions. Joanne Hogg is an exception. ( I became a fan of the band ...

Friend, I don't think you've seen this one yet...

March 27th, 2014 at 12:20 pm IST

I'm in the middle of the Irish Sea as I write this - off to Wales to lead worship at a remote retreat (Ffald-y-Brenin) in the Welsh valleys. That means I didn't get a new song video recorded for you this week but it looks like you may not have seen t ...

Friend, Happy St. Patrick's Day - Here's a nameless tune for you...

March 17th, 2014 at 6:30 pm IST

I'd almost forgotten it was St. Patrick's day today until I read posts and comments from my American, Australian, Canadian (basically friends anywhere outside of Ireland).It really is a bigger deal elsewhere!Anyhoo, here's another new tune video for ...

Friend, I'd love your feedback on this new video...

March 4th, 2014 at 5:56 pm IST

Last week I mentioned how I'm using 'The Storyline Productivity Schedule' for songwriting.It's proving to be a good creative framework so far - I have 3 or 4 song ideas emerging at this point. Today’s embryonic idea has come out with a Gospel Blues ...

Friend, It's that time again...

February 25th, 2014 at 9:05 pm IST

If you've been on this mailing list for a while you'll already know that I get you involved in my songwriting process every so often.Well, it's that time again and I made a quick video to explain what I'm doing differently this time. Here's the video ...