Subject: Happy Thanksgiving Friend

Happy Thanksgiving Friend

November 22nd, 2012 at 6:34 pm IST

Hey Friend, I just wanted to take a quick minute and say Happy Thanksgiving. Although we don't have a holiday here in Ireland today I know many of you are reading this in the US. Thank you for your loyalty and interest in the music and the adventure ...

Friend, Here's this week's new song [video] for you

March 11th, 2012 at 5:11 pm IST

Hi Friend Hope you've had a good weekend. Here's this week's song in the song-a-week series I'm writing during the season of Lent (I know it's a little late) It's based around the opening verses of Psalm 40. ...

Friend, I'd love your opinion on this week's songwriting idea...

February 28th, 2012 at 6:31 pm IST

Firstly a huge thank you [[lastname]] if you were one of the hundreds of folk who viewed last weeks song video - I really appreciate the comments and feedback (the good, the bad & the ugly!). Here's another song in the song-a-week series I'm writing ...

Friend, I'd love your opinion on some new songs...

February 21st, 2012 at 5:07 pm IST

Can I ask a favour? I'd love your feedback on some song ideas that I'm developing. For the season of lent, which starts today, I’m returning to the discipline of writing a song each we ...