Subject: The more the merrier, right?

a glimpse into my plans for musical world domination....

Hi Friend,

Thank you for your ongoing interest in my music and what I do here. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me.

I have a quick favour to ask...

As part of my plans for 'world domination' (musical of course!) I’m on a mission to share my recordings with as many people as possible, and I could really use your help.

If you’ve been enjoying my tunes and feel like spreading the love, would you mind sharing my music with your friends?

Here’s a short message you can copy and paste to make it super easy:

Hey! I've been following this artist for a while and he makes really interesting music recorded live in an Irish cave. Thought you might like it, too!

Feel free to tweak the message however you like.

Every share helps more than you can imagine, and I’m so grateful for your support in getting my music out there.

Speak soon.

Cheers - Andy

PS - I have some more music and experiences coming down the line for you!

=== usual end of email stuff ===

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