Subject: Join Me For A Live Broadcast on...

Hi Friend

I'm going to be doing a live broadcast from an event Monday 17th
(tomorrow) in Belfast.

I'm excited for a number of reasons.

Jo Hogg from the band Iona (search them on youtube) will be
joining us. Jo and I got to do some stuff together in Lithuania
recently and it's a huge pleasure to be working together again.

Also, the speaker at this gathering is Paul Keith Davis from He's a guy with something to say! I got
to lead worship at a conference in Tennessee last year where he
was speaking, I was impressed with his teaching.

We'll be streaming the event which you can view live from your
computer here: at 7.30pm GMT
(see the other timezones below - sorry Australia, it's early for

If you're anywhere near Belfast it'd be great to see you and if
you're not simply go here and
join us in cyberspace!

Time Zones

Monday, 17 January 2011, 7:30pm

CST = 1.30pm
EST = 2.30pm
MST = 12.30pm
PST = 11.30am

Australia Tues 18th
EDT = 6.30am
CDT = 6.30am
WST = 3.30am

Cheers - Andy
P.S. I'll send an email just before we go live or you can follow
me on for an even quicker update!