Subject: Hi Friend, you're one of the first in the world to hear this...

As you may already know Joanne Hogg and I recorded The Cave Sessions Vol.1 

We wrote a collection of songs based on the lyrics of a refugee musician who was on the run and hiding out in a cave in the Middle East 3000 years ago (Psalm 57 to be precise!).

We then recorded them in a cave here on the north coast of Ireland with some amazing musicians.

We even filmed it and produced a DVD with full surround sound just so you could more fully experience the acoustics of the cave.

It's NOT going to be publicly available for a while on iTunes, Amazon etc but in the meantime I am testing some other shopping cart functions for my own site.

As a test I've set up some pre-release subscriber discounts for the next 48hrs or so.

Listen to The Cave Sessions Vol.1 here on BandCamp

I've discounted the cost for you as a subscriber. Once I've finished testing I'll put the prices back up again.

Hope that all makes sense :-)

Any questions drop me a line.

Cheers - Andy

PS Listen to The Cave Sessions Vol.1 here:


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