Subject: Hi Friend, Am I Coming To Your House??


I'm doing a house concert tour this summer with a bit of a

Each year an urge rises in me to get up and go traveling
around the planet. It's partly the Irish/Celtic wanderlust
thing and partly the call that's on me to 'export' a little
of what God is doing here and 'import' something of what
He's doing elsewhere.

Firstly What is a House Concert and how does it work?

A house concert is quite simply a live music/worship
performance in someone’s home. You invite your friends
and acquaintances over to watch a live show. They get a
personalized, relaxed environment to experience great

It’s a rapidly growing phenomenon. In a New York Times
front page article a number of years ago Dave Nachmanoff, a
singer-songwriter from Southern California, said “Part of
the reason for the boom of house concerts right now is
people are so hungry for community but lacking in ways they
can get together with other people in an intimate or
friendly way that isn’t commercialized,”

Why Do A House Concert Tour?

A few weeks ago after a brief conversation with a friend in
church all of a sudden it made sense to do a house concert

Don’t get me wrong I’m open to doing bigger events but
I’m excited by the prospect of recapturing something of
the early church model of house to house worship

Where Will I Be Playing?

This is the exciting bit - it literally could be a world
tour because you get to decide where I play, it could even
be in your living room!

I’m asking you, my newsletter subscribers, MySpace &
FaceBook contacts to consider hosting or help organize a
local house concert where you live. If you’re interested
in that let me know where you are and, based on where the
interest comes from, I’ll try to join-the-dots on the map
and see if I can make it work.

You could be in USA, Australia, Europe, UK, Ireland or
somewhere in between!

Seriously, nowhere is off limits to be considered.

What Can You Expect At One Of These House Concert Sessions?

You can expect passionate ‘Ethno-Celt‘ flavoured music
and songs that have worship at the heart but can also be
accessible to folks who are not yet followers of Jesus.

Here’s the twist.

Each gig will be recorded, and the best bits will form a
live album - all the hosts and helpers will get a credit on
the recording. Sometimes the unplanned spontaneity is the
highlight of these sessions and hopefully the recording
will capture these unique moments.

Would you consider hosting or helping organize a house
concert in your neighbourhood?

If so, ask me for my ‘Hosting A house Concert Kit’ and
I'll help you make it happen.

Blessings to you.

P.S. You can read more here