Subject: Friend, Do you love/hate this like I do? 😐

Maybe you have the same love/hate relationship with this weekend as me?

Friend, I don't know about you but I have a Love-Hate relationship with Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

On one level it's like an onslaught to tempt us into buying stuff we don't want or need (you'll make your biggest savings by not buying anything)!

On the other hand there can be some genuine bargains and the chance to save big on something important to us.

All that to say; please feel free to ignore the irresistable offer I'm about to tempt you with 😀

For the next few days everything in my online store has been marked down by a mystery percentage.

You don't even need to enter a discount code - it's already applied for you!

For example you might want to consider



Or simply start at the top and BROWSE THE WHOLE STORE HERE

Anyways, whether you decide to buy or not - thank you for being in the orbit of my world. I appreciate it!

Cheers - Andy

PS - The mystery percentage discount is equivlent to the date in November that marks my birthday ;-)

=== usual end of email stuff ===

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