Subject: Warning – Do Not Read if Easily Offended😯

WARNING! This email may offend, so if
you are of a sensitive nature please stop

… don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Out of the many people on my mailing list(s)
quite a few get in touch with me, especially as
I don’t hide behind a ‘no reply’ email

Some of the emails just want some
simple advice, some want more and seem
to expect me to offer hours of my time
for free, some like to send me abuse
because I dared to hit their inbox with
an email, and some are desperate and
tell me ‘I’m desperate and will do
anything, show me how?’

The thing is, while 100% of my
subscribers want to be successful, I
would estimate less than 5% are
prepared to do what it takes.

If you agree with any of these
statements then I guarantee you will
struggle online.

#1. “I want to become a success online,
but I don’t want to invest any money to
become a better entrepreneur.”

#2. “I want to become a success online,
but I don’t have any time to learn

#3. “I want to become a success online,
but I don’t have anything of value to
teach people and I’m not willing to
learn something of value to teach.”

#4. “I want to become a success online
and I will do whatever it takes, unless
it involves actual work.”

#5. “I want to become a success online,
but everything out there is a scam.”

If you REALLY want to make 5, 6 or
7 figures as a successful online
marketer, then you have to REALLY
give all you can give.

– You need to be prepared to work
harder than most people.

– You need to help others as much as

– You need to invest in the right tools
and training..

– You need to step up and become the
person you need to be to make this

– You need to treat this like a
business, not a hobby.

– You need to stop blaming others
for your lack of success.

If you want to bitch, whine and
complain about how you have no money,
no time and no value to give PLEASE
PLEASE PLEASE get out of this game
because it’s not for you..

You are not an entrepreneur until you
can take responsibilities for your
actions, you need to step up, man up
and grow up. You need to look in the
mirror and realise that the ONE big
thing stopping you is YOU. You need to
get out of your own way.

If this email offends you, or you want
to send me an angry response, or want
to click the unsubscribe button because
I said something that hurt, then you
are not an entrepreneur, you are an
excuse maker blaming everyone and
everything but yourself for your lack
of action, rather than taking full
responsibility for your current
circumstances and results.

You can change everything, but you
need to want it, you need to be prepared
to step up and take action.

If I’ve motivated you with this email
then good, as that was my intention. I
know it will offend some and this email
will cost me a ton of unsubscribes, but
that’s okay as I probably can’t help
people who can’t help themselves.

However, if you are prepared to help
yourself, and if you want to learn
better ways to help more people, and
get results faster, and you’re prepared
to invest time and money to learn this.

Then get on this webinar and and let
John Thornhill show you how to truly
succeed online, step by step.

I promise that you won’t regret it.

Until next time…

Andre Niemand