Subject: Is Big Ticket Commissions for you?...See my 3.5/5 rating first⏱


By now you’ve probably heard about a new software called Big Ticket Commissions.

I’ve been sharing some details on my blog

& have had a few questions about how it works …

as I have reviewed a similar product of the vendor

and could see the resemblance to High Ticket Hijack!

That is one of the reasons why I only scored it 3.5/5 !

You can see the rest on my blog.

So I made my review video and added bonuses

should you still feel it is the right fit for you.

I only recommend this for being an inexpensive page and

funnel builder with hosting and the opportunity to be approved to

promote high ticket offers. So you can actually get into the game

of affiliate marketing without the need to get a domain and hosting for now.

Normally if you do not have a track record it can be

very difficult to be approved! And is sooo much better

promoting high ticket affiliate programs!

I just made a whopping $860 commission with one click yesterday!

Here you can go to my review and bonuses here

All the best

Andre Niemand

Ps.Watch out for a link to my no cost training