Subject: Here's Everything You Need to Build 5k-10k List & Earn 4-5 Figs/Mo in One Box – Already Done for You!💲

Today is a BIG day!

So I advise you don't go through this email as one of those newsletter you just read casually and move on.


Let's DIG in...

I have brought a perfect WIN-WIN offer that will make most of you 4-5 figs in the next 30 days. Guaranteed!


Hold on! Imagine If You Could Earn Commissions From 50 Different Offers AT THE SAME TIME Without Writing A Single Email, Building A Single Page Or Creating Any Products...


OMG! That's what this email is ALL about...

And I put together a mind-blowing bonus package that can earn you at least $5000 - $10,000/month. No joke! I'm offering you FREE reseller license to 4 best selling JVZoo apps that you can resell and pocket 100% of the profits. -


NOTE: I'm doing this for only 67 subscribers of mine to celebrate the massive launch of a new software that is going live at 11 am EST called DFY LeadFunnel - A complete done for you list building & monetization system that get you buyers and automates the sales process for you with 100% free traffic. This is NEXT level...


Very quickly, I want to quickly bring your consciousness to an obvious fact today that will make all the difference.


What is the pride of a marketer who cannot boast of a responsive list of at least 5,000 - 10,000 subscribers? 


Indeed, a marketer without a list is the same as a farmer without a hoe.


Listen, building a responsive email list of 5k-10k or more can transform your life, business, and bank statements more dramatically than anything else I know of.


You see, some people “think” they have a business, while all they really have is an ad that just happens to be converting at the moment. Which could change by morning?


But by building a list, you’ll have a real business…


Ask any influencer or business owner who’s spent time building their audience on Facebook, youtube, and Instagram… what happens when the powers in charge decide to change the algorithm?


Like a thief in the night, they make their changes and your entire business pays the price. What happens to your organic reach, sales, and even your lifestyle?


Heck, it doesn’t even have to be an algorithm change. What happens when ad accounts get shut down, or worse… people simply leave the platform you worked so hard to create an audience around?


With email, you actually own the media. It’s yours. You’re the one in control.


BOTTOM LINE: If you want to make more money online month after month, focus on growing your list. It’s that simple.


However, Building a list building funnel on your own is hard. Creating the squeeze pages, the lead magnets, writing the follow-ups, the sales letters, setting everything up. It is a bunch of work.


But what if you never have to do any of those hard labor again before you are able to start making 4-5 figures a month from a funnel.


What if you had not one, not two but over 50 hot tested-and-proven list building funnels, with already created contents and an in-built monetization system that you can ACTIVATE today and start earning from before the next weekend?


Well, your wish just came true!


Introducing DFY LeadFunnel!

This is a Done For You System/Software that will allow you to build highly responsive email lists across multiple niches to sell your products and affiliate products. It comes loaded with 50+ Done-for-you list building funnels, Done-for-you Lead nurturing resources and most importantly done-for-you lead monetization system that rely on an in-built free traffic generator. 


This blows everything else out of the water... It's completely mind-blowing to see a technology that is designed to work right out of the gate until the money reaches your bank.


Literally, Everyone in our industry will convince you to buy DFY LeadFunnel today because it includes...



50 High-Quality Lead magnets 

50 Squeeze Pages optimized with Video sales letters (VSLs)

50 Thank you pages

Ad Copies and Banners for each Lead Magnet

Email Swipe for Each Lead Magnet

A Built-In FREE Viral Traffic Solution across 20 Social Media Platforms



These are done-for-you emails that you can send to your subscribers to get them to know you, like you and trust you.

DFY Professionally Designed Welcome Email Templates

DFY 50 High Converting Engagement Email Swipes

Professional Video Training To Show You How To Easily Schedule Your Engagement Sequence In Your Choice Autoresponder



These are done-for-you High-value Bonuses to enable you bank BIG commissions. 

50 High Converting Products.

50 Exclusive Bonus Pages (Fully-Customizable) Designed By Our In-House Team

50 Thank You Pages

→ 50 Bridge Pages Forcing Buyers To Provide Their Email And Name In Order To Collect Their Bonuses… Helping You Build Your List As Well And Promote Other Offers To Them


With DFY LeadFunnel, you can spit out high converting lead funnels from multiple niches in 60 seconds and grow your list of email subscribers with 100% FREE traffic.


This is the hottest offer on the internet right now. Now you can plug and play into a 6 figure internet marketing business in minutes!


No need to create a lead magnet. No need to create a landing page. No need to do anything at all, EVERYTHING has already been done for you. No, really. Everything has really been done for you. Also As part of this time-limited launch, you get COMMERCIAL rights included in the front-end for no extra charge - So You can Make MONEY building lead funnels for Clients!


And it gets even juicier!


If you hit this link now and buy, I am going to hand over to you FREE reseller license to 4 best selling JVZoo apps Worth $2,845 that you can resell and pocket 100% of the profits.


I’m serious.


These are bonuses you’d never get anywhere else, completely handpicked to make sure you make a ton of money off your DFY LeadFunnel purchase.


All the bonuses I’m giving you today is designed to make you money for every single subscriber you build with DFY LeadFunnel Every single month.


Meaning you could be earning over $5,000 per month or even $10,000 per month if you take this business opportunity very serious.


NOTE: These Exclusive Bonuses are Only For the First 67 Persons to Hit This Link now and Get Lifetime Access to DFY LeadFunnel


In Conclusion,

If you want to start raking consistent moolah online like every proven marketer out there then you need to start doing exactly what they are doing to get result online. And that is, Build a List & Start Selling to Them...


>>> So I highly advise you EMBRACE DFY LeadFunnel to Start building your own Lucrative Buyers List Now.


>>> Go here to check out all the mindblowing bonuses you get from me today if you buy DFY LeadFunnel through my link today.


See you inside!


Andre Niemand

PS: DFY LeadFunnel is a complete software & it’s perfect on it’s own but I want to urge you to check out the upsells also, Preferably upsells 1 & 4… Upsell 4’s bonus will completely blow your mind