Subject: Why Devi is Worshiped During Navaratri? - Navaratri Sep 26 - Oct 5, 2022

2022 Saran Navaratri Grand Celebrations

Sep 26 - Oct 5, 2022

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha 

Om Sri Matre Namaha

Sloka: ||Om Saranagata  Dinartha Paritrana Parayani

 Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute ||

Sri Lalithambika Devi Manidweepa Maha Samsthanam the Supreme Abode of Divine Mother Sri Lalithambika Devi Invites you for Saran Navaratri Mahotsavam. Sri Penusila Kshetram is a great land, a place of penance, Where still today great sages and siddhas reside. 

Sri Lalithambika resides in Manidweepa. She is eternal, She is Truth and supremely beyond everything. No one can describe Her, who is all-pervading and present in every atom of the millions of Universes.

Why Devi is Worshiped During Navaratri ?

Many centuries ago, Sri Adi Shankaracharya traveled all over India teaching Advaita Vedanta—the philosophy of absolute oneness. But in order to make the path to attainment easier for devotees, he also installed the wish-fulfilling Sri Chakra in all the temples, so that it would become easy for everybody to worship Divine Mother and receive her blessings. Many great sages, like the sapta rishis or Bodhayana Maharshi, have meditated on Divine Mother during Navaratri for the sake of attaining liberation.

Divine Mother loves her children so much that she has taken many divine forms on the Earth, in order to be closer to us all. These divine forms reside at places known as “shakti peethas,” or seats of divine energy. These peethas are self-born manifestations of Divine Mother’s glory and power. When we worship Mother in these places, every kind of difficulty can be removed. All the negative effects of the planets are removed when we worship at these powerful shakti peethas. Any kind of diseases or mental disturbances are also destroyed. Those who wish to be happily married will be blessed with a good marriage after worshipping Devi with devotion. Similarly, those who desire wealth or children are immediately blessed accordingly. And of course, those who desire only spiritual liberation will certainly be blessed when they approach Mother with such a noble aspiration.


During the auspicious days of Navaratri, the Divine Mother is in Her most gloriously radiant and compassionate form. She is forgiveness personified and showers Her unconditional love and blessings to all who approach Her during this sacred time. It is a blessed opportunity to be able to participate in the ceremonies held over the Navaratri festival Worshipping Divine Mother on this very holy occasion of Navaratri brings one immense spiritual and material fulfilment. She offers Her motherly protection on all levels and grants all noble wishes.

Under the Divine guidance of our beloved Mother, Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayeswari Devi, several homas, pujas, abhishekams, unique rituals and annadanam will be performed everyday at the Manidweepa Maha Samsthanam, Amma's Penusila Ashram in India. Participation in these ceremonies, especially during these highly charged days, will bestow tremendous divine grace and spiritual upliftment to you and your family. Your gracious assistance will also help, through Amma's grace, to bless the entire world. Purify the mind and remove all negativities; cultivate positive virtues, gain spiritual knowledge and transcend limitations by participating in these special seva sponsorships.

*Invoke the Divine Mother. Feel Her in your heart and everywhere."


Please Note: Sponsorships closes before 6 am EST a day earlier Sep 25 to Oct 5th

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace