Subject: Vaikunta Ekadasi, 2 Jan 2023, is going to be observed on 11th day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Margazhi

Get divine blessings of Lord Vishnu on this auspicious day

Vaikunta Ekadasi, marks the auspicious occasion of when Lord Vishnu opens 'Vaikunta Dwaram' (Gates of Heaven) enabling you to receive material and spiritual blessings.

Significance of Vaikunta Ekadasi

The significance of Vaikuntha Ekadashi is mentioned in the Padma Purana. The legend says that the Devas, unable to bear the tyranny of 'Muran' - a demon, approached Shiva, who directed them to Vishnu. A battle ensued between Vishnu and the demon and Vishnu realized that a new weapon was needed to slay Muran. In order to take rest and create a new weapon, Vishnu retired to a cave for the goddess named Haimavati in Badarikashrama. When Muran tried to slay Vishnu, who was sleeping, the female power that emerged from Vishnu burned Muran to ashes with her glance. Vishnu, who was pleased, named the goddess 'Ekadashi' and asked her to claim a boon. Ekadashi, instead, beseeched Vishnu that people who observed a fast on that day should be redeemed of their sins. Vishnu thus declared that people who observed a fast on that day and worshipped Ekadashi, would attain Vaikuntha. 

The demon Muran stands for the Rajasic and Tamasic qualities in people, attributed to lust, passion, inertia, arrogance etc. When one conquers these tendencies, one attains the purity of mind, Satva, indispensable for attaining of moksha, the liberation or realization of the self. For realizing the self as pure awareness, purity of mind is required.

This significant day considered as the once-in-a-year powertime of Lord Vishnu will be observed at AMMA’s Srinivasa Saligrama temple, near Bangalore. Participate in the temple's Vaikunta Ekadasi enhanced Vedic ceremonies and connect with Lord Vishnu to invoke His blessings for wealth, material abundance and spiritual awakening. Take advantage of this time when the Gates of Heaven open inviting bliss, wealth blessings and spiritual awakening.

Sponsorship ends at 6pm EST Jan. 1

Annapurna Seva on Vaikunta Ekadasi- These are the verses from the Vedas which mean that Annadanam is supreme and incomparable to any charity. Food is the basic requirement for all humans. Thus according to the Vedas, the one who does Annadanam to devotees attains heaven (Punya Loka) in this universe (Brahmanda) itself.