Subject: Vaikunta Ekadasi 13 Jan 2022 Most auspicious ekadasi in a year


Om Namo Srinivasaya!

Om Namo Venkatesaya!!

January 13th, 2022 marks the auspicious occasion of Mukkoti Vaikunta Ekadashi, which will be observed at AMMA’s Sri Srinivasa Saligrama temple which enshrInes more than 25,000 sacred Saligrama stones, which are the conscious, living embodiment of Lord Maha Vishnu himself. Vaikunta Ekadashi referred to as Moksha Ekadashi. It is named Vaikunta, because the doors to Lord Vishnu's heavenly abode, Vaikunta, remain open on this day.

For all of us struggling in the world, and even those drowning in an ocean of life’s problems, to merely have a single glimpse of Srinivasa’s enchanting smile on this day is enough to erase mountains of negative karma and eradicate hardships from our life.



Abhishekam starts with Sacred holy waters, and Panchamritas and various items. While performing the Abhishekam to the Moola Virat, Purshasukta, Narayanasukta, Srisukta, Bhusuktha, Neelasuktha and selected Pasurams from the Divya Pradbandham are all recited by the priests.


The traditional process of offering naivedyam to Lord Venkateswara is continued even today as per the tenets of Vaikhanasa Agama without any deviation. The food offering is a process that is guided by strict procedures, preparations and timings.

Sahasra Deepa

Alankara Seva

Sahasra Deepa Alankara Seva, Sri Srinivasa and His consorts are seated on a swing while a 1000 lamps are lit around them. Panchakajjya Naivedya, a special offering is offered while melodious songs of Tyagaraja and Purandaradasa, Madhura Sangeetham, and Nadaswaram are heard. Special Harati's are are offered and the lord is taken in procession. All auspiciousness and the light of a 1000 lamps envelops the lives of those who partake in this seva. On vaikunta ekadasi, this seva bestows countless prosperities.

In Vedas it is mentioned Annadanam is supreme and incomparable to any charity. Food is the basic need for all humans. Thus according to the Vedas, the one who does Annadanam to devotees attains heaven (Punya Loka) in this life itself. Feeding the devotees of Lord Srinivas on this sacred day brings us all kinds of lasting merits that can never be exhausted.

Let us surrender before the compassionate Lord Saligrama Sriniavasa. May we get rid of all our vices and emerge as better human beings — a very blissful Vaikunta Ekadashi to you and your loved ones.

Jai Karunamayi!