Subject: Shravana Masam July 29 - Aug 27, 2022

    Shravana Masam

July 29 - Aug 27, 2022

Shravana Masa is the lunar month that begins two weeks after Guru Purnima occurs. When we worship Mother Lakshmi during the month of Shravana, She drives away the three sufferings of restlessness, worry, and depression. During this month, one should worship Sri Maha Lakshmi to receive Her Divine Grace and drive away the ashta kashtas, which are the eight types of hardship that people face in life.

During this very auspicious month, Mother Lakshmi’s grace overflows in abundance, and so this month is dedicated to the worship of Sri Maha Lakshmi Devi. Tuesdays and Fridays are two very significant days for worshipping any form of Divine Mother, and observing these days during the month of Shravana is even more powerful. The four Tuesdays throughout the month of Shravana are known as Shravana Mangalavaras, and are very powerful days for the worship of Gauri Devi, the Divine Mother and consort of Lord Shiva. Learn more

Varalakshmi Vratam

Aug 5, 2022

Sri Vara Lakshmi Vratam is a holy day sacred to Sri Maha Lakshmi Devi, who showers her abundant motherly love and precious spiritual boons on those who perform puja to her on this day. “Vara” means “boon,” so this is the day when Divine Mother grants all of our noble wishes. The worship of Sri Vara Lakshmi on Vara Lakshmi Vratam bestows good health, knowledge, good discrimination, family welfare, noble positions, fame, prestige and wealth. Learn more

Under the Divine guidance of our beloved Mother, Karunamayi Sri Sri Sri Vijayeswari Devi, sacred homas, pujas, abhishekams, Varalakshmi vratam will be performed at the Manidweepa Maha Samsthanam, Amma's Penusila Ashram in India.

Lets pray to Sri Maha Lakshmi on this day, to help us receive Her Divine Grace and drive away the ashta kashtas,

which are the eight types of hardship that people face in life.

       "With every mantra, the heart must become a lotus to be offered to Divine Mother."

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace