Subject: Sahasra Moduka Ganesha Homa 17 June, 2022 Sankashta Chaturti

    Sankashta Chaturti 

June 17, 2022

Lord Ganesha is a marker of auspicious beginnings. Ganesha is worshipped at the beginning of seasons and rituals for this reason. And there is one day in every month

of the year when this worship is said to be at its peak. Known as Sankashti Chaturthi

or Sakat Chauth, this day is even more auspicious, especially if it falls on a Tuesday

or Friday.

The Sanskrit word "sankashti" means deliverance from troubled or difficult times, so worshipping Lord Ganesha on this day means you'll be blessed with peace and prosperity in the coming times. Devotees usually keep a fast to be free of obstacles on this day.

Devotees keep a partial or day-long fast on this day. They eat only fruits and milk throughout the day. The day's fasting is broken only after the puja is done.

Special sweets, naivedya, including modukas, are offered to the deity during the puja. After puja and homa, these sweets are distributed as prasad. Apart from worshipping Lord Ganesha, the moon is also worshipped on Sankashti Chaturthi. Water, chandan or sandalwood paste, rice and flowers are offered in the direction of the moon.Pandits recite the Vedic hymns and mantras and perform Sahasra Moduka Homa devoted to Lord Ganesha to garner blessings on this day.

Under the Divine guidance of our beloved Mother, Karunamayi Sri Sri Sri Vijayeswari Devi, sacred homas, pujas, abhishekams, Sahasra Moduka Homa will be performed at the Manidweepa Maha Samsthanam, Amma's Penusila Ashram in India.

Lets pray to Lord Ganesha on this day, to help us overcome obstacles in life, remove hurdles whether physically or mentally or materially and bless us with peace and prosperity in the coming times.

       "With every mantra, the heart must become a lotus to be offered to Divine Mother."

This sponsorship closes by 6:30 am EST on June 16, 2022

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace